Hey guys!
I started learning Python 3 four days ago and I wrote a little command line RSS Reader (~120 lines) using the feedparser module.
The rss reader currently has a menu, and also receives command line arguments (run the script with "-h" or "--help" for more info).
It has functionalities like adding/removing URLs from the feeds and reading those feeds.
What I'm asking from you is if anyone wants and has the time to go trough my code, try the script out and get me any feedback, like what should I do next, add any new features or point out some mistakes that I have made while coding. Criticism is welcomed (just keep in mind that I started learning Python few days ago, so don't be too harsh )!
I know I didn't say very much about the RSS reader, but in fact there isn't too much to say. It's a really simple script, but it would mean a lot to me if you can get me any feedback so I can look into the errors I made and fix them (and learn even more while doing it!)
You can get the code HERE.
Thank you for reading!