Ok I am a programming student and need help with a problem, I already have most of it (so I don't need you guys to do my hw :P) but I am having problems with am, and I am not even sure if I am doing it right.

Problem: (The Person, Sruden, Employee, Faculty, and Staff classes) Design a class named Person and its two subclasses named Student and Employee. Make Faculty and Staff subclasses of Employee. A person has a name, address, phone number, and email address. A student has a class status (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior). Define the status as a constant. An employee has an office, salary, date hired. Define a class named MyDate that contains the fields year, month, and day. A faculty member has office hours and a rank. A staff member has a title. Overridde the toString method in each class to display the class name and the person's name.
Draw the UML diagram for classes. Implement the classes. Write a tes program that creates a Person, Student, Employee, Faculty, and Staff, and invokes their toString() methods.

Here is What I have so far: (I have 6 classes + 1 test file so 7 different files)

public class person {

    private String name, address, phone, email;
    public person(){
    public person(String name, String address, String phone, String email){
        this.name = name;
        this.address = address;
        this.phone = phone;
        this.email = email;
    public String getName(){
        return name;
    public void setName(String name){
        this.name = name;
     public String getAddress(){
        return address;
    public void setAddress(String address){
        this.address = address;
    public String getPhone(){
        return phone;
    public void setPhone(String phone){
        this.phone = phone;
    public String getEmail(){
        return phone;
    public void setEmail(String email){
        this.email = email;
    public String toString(){
        return getClass().getName() + "\n" + name;
public class student extends person{

    private final String CLASS_STATUS;
    public student(String CLASS_STATUS){
    public String getClassStatus(){
        return CLASS_STATUS;
public class employee extends person{
    private String office,salary;
    private MyDate DATE_HIRED;
    public employee(){
    public employee(String office, String salary, MyDate DATE_HIRED){
        this.office = office;
        this.salary = salary;
        this.DATE_HIRED = DATE_HIRED;
    public String office(){
        return office;
    public void setOffice(String office){
        this.office = office;
     public String getSalary(){
        return salary;
    public void setSalary(String salary){
        this.salary = salary;
    public MyDate getMyDate(){
        return DATE_HIRED;
public class MyDate{
    private int month, day, year;

    public MyDate(int month, int day, int year){
        this.day = day;
        this.month =month;
        this.year = year;   
public class faculty extends employee {
    private String office_hours, rank;
    public faculty(){
    public faculty(String office_hours, String rank){
        this.office_hours = office_hours;
        this.rank = rank;
    public String getOfficeHours(){
        return office_hours;
    public void setOfficeHours(String office_hours){
        this.office_hours = office_hours;
     public String getRank(){
        return rank;
    public void setRank(String rank){
        this.rank = rank;
public class staff extends employee{
    private String title;

    public staff(){
    public staff(String title){
        this.title = title;
    public String getTitle(){
        return title;

    public void setTitle(String title){
    this.title =title;

Ok, here is where I have the problem, I cannot run my test program because I have errors which is (cannot find symbol) I am not sure what I am doing wrong and how to fix it, I am not sure if it is a problem with the classes or with the test program. (And mention if you see any other problems thanks)

public class test {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        person person = new Person("John Doe", "123 Somewhere", "415-555-1212", "johndoe@somewhere.com");
        person student = new  Student("Mary Jane", "555 School Street", "650-555-1212", "mj@abc.com", "junior");
        person employee = new Employee("Tom Jones", "777 B Street", "408-888-9999", "tj@xyz.com");
        person faculty = new Faculty("Jill Johnson", "999 Park Ave", "925-222-3333", "jj@abcxyz.com");
        person staff = new Staff("Jack I. Box", "21 Jump Street", "707-212-1112", "jib@jack.com");

        System.out.println(person.toString() + "\n");
        System.out.println(student.toString() + "\n");
        System.out.println(employee.toString() + "\n");
        System.out.println(faculty.toString() + "\n");
        System.out.println(staff.toString() + "\n");

Paste the exact error message. It tells you what it cannot resolve.

cannot find symbol
symbol: class Student
location: class test
(Alt-Enter shows hints)

I get this this first in netbeans before i complie it (up) and then after I try to compile it i get this (down)

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - Erroneous ctor sym type: <any>
at test.main(test.java:18)
Java Result: 1

Java is case sensitive. Check the spellings of your classes.

Also note that by convention class names should start with a capital letter.

Java is case sensitive. Check the spellings of your classes.

Also note that by convention class names should start with a capital letter.

Hmm ok, Thanks alot, I am working on that to see if it will fix it, I did capitalize all the classes already, so i fixed that

Java is case sensitive. Check the spellings of your classes.

Also note that by convention class names should start with a capital letter.

I checked the spelling of the classes, I still can'y get it to work, i get this now Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - constructor Student in class Student cannot be applied to given types;
required: java.lang.String
found: java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
at test.main(test.java:20)
Java Result: 1

Compare your use of the Student constructor in your main() method with the constructor that you defined in the Student class. The compiler is telling you they are quite different.

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