I want to learn C# using in windows forms from the begaining.....
can anyone tell me some C# windows forms text book and the author's name? or pdf books link..????

I want to learn C# using in windows forms from the begaining.....
can anyone tell me some C# windows forms text book and the author's name? or pdf books link..????

You should start with basic concept first if you are a newbie in .net.
So, please go step by step towards the advance concept. And always try to implement concept you read so that you are very much familiar with C#.

HaPpY Coding...!!!

C# ebooks:
Microsoft Visual C# .NET Step by Step by John Sharp
Microsoft® Visual C#® 2010 Step by Step - O'Reilly

You can download soft copy from:

I agree with riteshbest make sure you don't jump into it all head first so as not to confuse yourself early on.

although i said don't jump in head first a few books are:
Head first C#
Object orientated programming consepts and design (good idea to understand the consepts too)

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