I have pretty much gotten my program to run with one little exception. It is asking for the SKU number which has been set but when I run the program it assigns a number to item and does not give me the sku number I had entered in the program.
I have tried various things and nothing seems to work or I wind up with many errors. Can someone please look at my code and tell how to fix it!!!! I am at my whits end....
There are 4 files in the project
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package farmersmarket4;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
* @author K
class FarmersMarket4 implements ActionListener
static JFrame jfrMain;
// Declare 4 buttons
static JButton jbnNext;
// Declare a panel to draw on - holds labels
static JPanel jplNavigation;
// Declare Advanced panel for additional buttons - holds buttons
static JPanel jplAdvanced;
// Declare a text area
static JTextArea jtxtArea;
// Declare a Label
static JLabel jlbLabel;
public FarmersMarket4(){ //constructor
// Create and set up the window.
jfrMain = new JFrame("Salesman Data Report");
// Add the text area
jtxtArea = new JTextArea();
// Create Panel for label
jplNavigation = new JPanel();
jlbLabel = new JLabel();
jlbLabel.setText("SALES LEAD PROGRAM");
// Create Advanced panel for additional buttons
jplAdvanced = new JPanel();
// Create Next button
jbnNext = new JButton("Next");
// Add Title label to the panel
// Add buttons to Advanced Panel
// Add panel to frame
jfrMain.getContentPane().add(jplNavigation, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
jfrMain.getContentPane().add(jtxtArea, BorderLayout.WEST);
// Add Advanced panel to frame
jfrMain.getContentPane().add(jplAdvanced, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
//Display the window.
private static void showCurrentSales(){
public static void enableButtons(boolean enable) {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// Auto-generated method stub
if ("next".equalsIgnoreCase(e.getActionCommand())) {
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* and open the template in the editor.
package farmersmarket4;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.Locale;
* @author K
class ProdDataFormat extends Proddata
private String farmName;
public ProdDataFormat(int SKU, String pName, int pUnits, double pPrice, String fName)
super(SKU, pName, pUnits, pPrice);
farmName = fName;
public ProdDataFormat(int SKU, String pName, int pUnits, double pPrice)
super (SKU, pName, pUnits, pPrice);
public ProdDataFormat(String pName) {
public String getFarmName(){
return farmName;
public void setFarmName(String fName){
farmName = fName;
public double getTotalSales(){
return super.getTotalSales();
public double getSalesTax() {
return super.getTotalSales() * .07;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// Send all output to the Appendable object sb
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb, Locale.US);
// Explicit argument indices may be used to re-order output.
formatter.format("SKU: %d\n", getProdSKU());
formatter.format("Item Name: %s\n", getProdName());
formatter.format("Farm Name: %s\n", getFarmName());
formatter.format("Number of Units Sold: %d\n", getProdUnits());
formatter.format("Produce Price: %s\n", NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(getProdPrice()));
formatter.format("Total Sales: %s\n", NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(getTotalSales()));
formatter.format("Sales Tax: %s\n", NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(getSalesTax()));
formatter.format("Grand Total: %s\n", NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(getTotalSales() + getSalesTax()));
return sb.toString();
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* and open the template in the editor.
package farmersmarket4;
* @author Kathy
class Proddata
private int prodSKU;
private String prodName;
private int prodUnits;
private double prodPrice;
public Proddata(int SKU, String pName, int pUnits, double pPrice)
prodSKU = SKU;
prodName = pName;
prodUnits = pUnits;
prodPrice = pPrice;
public Proddata(String pName)
prodName = pName;
prodSKU = 0;
prodUnits = 0;
prodPrice = 0;
public Proddata()
prodName = "";
prodSKU = 0;
prodUnits = 0;
prodPrice = 0;
//get SKU
public int getProdSKU()
return prodSKU;
//set SKU
public void setProdSKU(int prodSKU) {
this.prodSKU = prodSKU;
//get produce name
public String getProdName() {
return prodName;
//set produce name
public void setProdName(String prodName) {
this.prodName = prodName;
//get number of units sold
public int getProdUnits() {
return prodUnits;
// set units sold
public void setProdUnits(int prodUnits) {
this.prodUnits = prodUnits;
//get produce price
public double getProdPrice() {
return prodPrice;
//set produce price
public void setProdPrice(double prodPrice) {
this.prodPrice = prodPrice;
// get total sales
public double getTotalSales(){
return prodUnits * prodPrice;
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* and open the template in the editor.
package farmersmarket4;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.Locale;
* @author Kathy
public class Produce
// Create an array of Produce
static ProdDataFormat[] farmData = new ProdDataFormat[0]; //array object
// Keep track of current Produce
static int currentProduce = 0;
// main method begins execution of the Java application;
public static void main( String args[])
//loading the array object
addFarmData("Canteloupe","Kathy' Farm", 12345678,2, 5.00);
addFarmData("Tomato","Bill's Farm", 87654321, 5, 3.00);
addFarmData("Potato","Local Farm",12312312, 12, 25.00);
addFarmData("Squash","Kathy's Farm",20947136, 4,3.00);
addFarmData("Cucumber","Local Farm",86125390, 22,1.00);
dataSort(); //call a method to sort the data
FarmersMarket4 appGUI = new FarmersMarket4(); //calls constructor
} // end main
public static float inventoryValue()
float total = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < farmData.length; x++){
total += farmData[x].getTotalSales();
}// end for loop
return total;
public static void dataSort()
ProdDataFormat tmp;
for (int currentProduce = 0; currentProduce < farmData.length; currentProduce++) {
for (int i = currentProduce + 1; i< farmData.length; i++) {
String s1 = farmData[currentProduce].getProdName();
String s2 = farmData[i].getProdName();
if( s1.compareTo(s2) > 0) {
tmp = farmData[currentProduce];
farmData[currentProduce] = farmData[i];
farmData[i] = tmp;
// Return a string for the current Produce
public static String getCurrentProduceString() {
if (farmData.length == 0) {
return "No Produce data";
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// Send all output to the Appendable object sb
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb, Locale.US);
// Build Inventory String
formatter.format("Total Inventory Value: %s\n", NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(inventoryValue()));
return sb.toString();
// Method to increment current produce
public static void showNext(){
if (currentProduce == farmData.length - 1){
} else {
// Method to go to first item
public static void showFirst(){
currentProduce = 0;
// Method to go to last item
public static void showLast(){
currentProduce = farmData.length - 1;
public static String[] getStringArray() {
String[] currentStringArray = new String[4];
currentStringArray[2] = Integer.toString(farmData[currentProduce].getProdSKU());
currentStringArray[0] = farmData[currentProduce].getProdName();
currentStringArray[1] = farmData[currentProduce].getFarmName();
currentStringArray[3] = Integer.toString(farmData[currentProduce].getProdUnits());
currentStringArray[4] = Double.toString(farmData[currentProduce].getProdPrice());
return currentStringArray;
public static void addFarmData(String name, String farm, int SKU, int units, double price) {
String[] newProduce = new String[4]; //create a String array
//load the array with the items that was passed into the method
newProduce[0] = name;
newProduce[1] = farm;
newProduce[2] = Integer.toString(SKU);
newProduce[2] = Integer.toString(units); //convert the integer pass in to a string
newProduce[3] = Double.toString(price);
addProduce(newProduce); //method call
//assigns the SKU number to the current array object
public static int getNextFarmData() {
int newCode=0;
for (int x = 0; x < farmData.length; x++)
if (farmData[x].getProdSKU() > newCode)
newCode = farmData[x].getProdSKU();
return newCode +1;
// New Method called addProduce
public static void addProduce(String[] data) {
// Add a new Produce
ProdDataFormat sDataFormat = new ProdDataFormat(getNextFarmData(), data[0], Integer.valueOf(data[2]), Double.valueOf(data[3]), data[1]);
Class elementType = farmData.getClass().getComponentType();
ProdDataFormat[] newArray = (ProdDataFormat[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(elementType,farmData.length + 1);
System.arraycopy(farmData, 0, newArray, 0, farmData.length);
newArray[newArray.length - 1] = sDataFormat;
farmData = newArray;
From what I can figure it has something to do with the for loop in the last file that starts on line 142. I don't know what to do to change it to not assign a number to each item and to give me just the sku number that is set in the array.