Blink751 0 Newbie Poster

.STACK 64h
Number DW ?
Cmd_Tail_Length DB 00h
Cmd_Tail DB 11 DUP (' ')
Error_Msg DB 'Error: command line tail not found or out of range.$'

call Get_Command_Tail

mov AX, @DATA
mov DS, AX ; Make DS Point to our Data segment
call Process_Cmd_Tail ; Procedure to process the command tail

mov AX, @DATA
mov ES, AX ; Make ES Point to our Data segment
mov DS, AX ; Make DS Point to our Data segment
mov SI, 80h

mov CX, 05h
call Process_Char
cmp dl, 30h
je ignore_zero
call Display_Msg

mov CX, 04h
call Process_Char
cmp dl, 30h
call Display_Msg

mov CX, 03h
call Process_Char
cmp dl, 30h
call Display_Msg

mov CX, 02h
call Process_Char
cmp dl, 30h
call Display_Msg

mov CX, 01h
call Process_Char
call Display_Msg

mov AX,4C00h ; Set parameters for
int 21h ; Exit to DOS

Get_Command_Tail PROC NEAR
;Procedure to retrieve the DOS command tail string and store it in data segment in Cmd_Tail
;Inputs: None
;ES and DS will initially both point to the segment containing the PSP
mov AX, @DATA
mov ES, AX ; Make ES Point to our Data segment
mov SI, 80h ; SI points to tail length
mov CL, [SI] ; get the length
mov ES:Cmd_Tail_Length, CL ; save it to data
mov CH, 0 ; high part of count to 0
mov SI, 81h ; SI poits to start of tail
mov DI, offset Cmd_Tail ; DI points to buffer to save in memory
rep movsb ; copy tail (block copy)
mov ES:[DI], '$' ; put in terminating $ after tail (to stop string writes later)
Get_Command_Tail ENDP
Process_Cmd_Tail PROC NEAR

cmp Cmd_Tail_Length, 0 ; check if tail length zero
je Display_Error_Msg ; if equal (to zero) jump to different message
mov SI, offset Cmd_Tail ; else SI point message to tail
mov CX, 5h
call Ignore_space ; ignore leading spaces

cmp [SI], 20h
je next_number
add AX, [SI]
jo Display_Error_Msg
mov BL, 10
mul bl
inc [SI]
loop proc_number_1

mov DX, AX
mov Number, AX
xor AX, AX
inc [SI]
mov CX, 5h
call Ignore_space

cmp [SI], 20h
je stop_next_number
add AX, [SI]
jo Display_Error_Msg
mov BL, 10
mul bl
inc [SI]
loop proc_number_2

mov DX, Number
cmp AX, DX
jl ax_less
mov Number, AX

mov Number, DX
Process_Cmd_Tail ENDP
Ignore_space PROC NEAR
;'Ignores' leading spaces in a string pointed to by SI by moving SI to first non-space char in string
; Inputs: SI = Start address of string
; Output: SI = Address of first non-space character
; Note: This is beyond the requirements of workshop, but is a 'nice to have' feature
cmp [SI], 20h ; Compare with ' ' (space) character
jne stop_ignore ; if not zero then exit
inc SI ; else move pointer to next char
jmp next_char ; go back and test next

Ignore_space ENDP
Display_Error_Msg PROC NEAR
;Display a character interupt is used
mov DX, OFFSET Error_Msg
mov AH, 09h
int 21h ; Service to display a $ terminated string
jmp Finish
Display_Error_Msg ENDP
Process_Char PROC NEAR

mov AX, Number

mov BX, 10
xor DX, DX
div BX
loop again
add DL, 30h

Process_Char ENDP
Display_Msg PROC NEAR
;Display a character interupt is used

mov AH, 02h
int 21h
Display_Msg ENDP
This the homework question:

Task 1 so that it is capable of reading two space separated decimal
values in the range 0 – 65535 from the
command tail, identifying the maximum of these two
values, and displaying the result on the screen, before exiting to DOS. For example, if the
following is entered at the command line:

as1b 167 9755
Then your code should produce as output:
Your code should produce an error message and exit if an incorrectly formatted input
(including out of range values) is supplied.

for some reason it will always output some random value unless and only nothing has been entered is when the error message is displayed correctly. Please have a look at it and let me know where I have gone wrong as the logic I have used in this seems fine to me. I am not sure if the error is in Process_Cmd_Tail or Process_Char.

Thankyou for all you guys help