I need to create a graphic simulator for MIPS CPU, something that will show the structure of the CPU, and when getting a text file with MIPS code- it will show how does each command executed through all the CPU parts.
However, i have never worked with grpahics, i know c/c++/java but i didn't used any graphics in those languages before.
From what i saw in brief googeling i understood that the basic graphics (windows, buttons etc) are not complicated in java (the swing lib) or with third party libraries in c++
but i don't know if what those libraries offer is enough for my needs- the diagram of the CPU (something similar to the attached file) with something like blinking or color change of the part in the cpu diagram whike the command is executed.
So what is your suggestions? java/c++ basic gui libraries are enough for this? am i in total wrong way (maybe i need to learn flash of something?)? is there something else in c++ that can help me?
As i said, i've never coded with graphics so im total newbie in this...
Thx in advance!
gchaim 0 Newbie Poster
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