C++ Programming
The file attached contains the instructions. This is what I have done so far. It outputs the contacts from the file. I need help by tonight. Please Help!!!!
I have all the tokens on the vector token. I want to create a Contact with those tokens
Ex: Contact newContact(tokens[1], tokens[2],..., tokens[11])
Then I have to put the newContact in myAddressBook
Ex: myAddressBook.addContact(newContact);
Then my AddressBook will contains all the Contacts read from file. Then it will display the menu.
Then I will have to use a switch statement for the menu
Each option in the menu will be a member function writen in the AddressBook class
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "addressbook.h"
#include "addressbook.cpp"
int main(){
ifstream inStream("input.txt");
string line, header, token;
vector <string> tokens;
getline (inStream, header);
AddressBook myAddressBook;
getline (inStream, line);
cout << line << endl;
int x=0, y=-1;
x = line.find_first_of ("\"", y+1);
y = line.find_first_of ("\"", x+1);
token = line.substr(x+1,y-x-1);
tokens.push_back (token);
cout << token <<endl;
system ("PAUSE");
return 0;
#include "contacts.h"
Contact::Contact(std::string FirstName)
firstname = FirstName;
Contact::Contact(std::string LastName)
lastname = LastName;
Contact::Contact(std::string Nickname)
nickname = Nickname;
Contact::Contact(std::string Email1)
email1 = Email1;
Contact::Contact(std::string Email2)
email2 = Email2;
Contact::Contact(std::string Phone1)
phone1 = Phone1;
Contact::Contact(std::string Phone2)
phone2 = Phone2;
Contact::Contact(std::string Address)
address = Address;
Contact::Contact(std::string Website)
website = Website;
Contact::Contact(std::string Birthday)
birthday = Birthday;
Contact::Contact(std::string Notes)
notes = Notes;
std::string Contact::getFirstName() {
return firstname;
std::string Contact::getLastName() {
return lastname;
std::string Contact::getNickname() {
return nickname;
std::string Contact::getEmail1() {
return email1;
std::string Contact::getEmail2() {
return email2;
std::string Contact::getPhone1() {
return phone1;
std::string Contact::getPhone2() {
return phone2;
std::string Contact::getAddress() {
return address;
std::string Contact::getWebsite() {
return website;
std::string Contact::getBirthday() {
return birthday;
std::string Contact::getNotes() {
return notes;
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#ifndef _CONTACT_H_
#define _CONTACT_H_
class Contact {
Contact(std::string FirstName, std::string LastName, std::string Nickname, std::string Email1, std::string Email2, std:: string Phone1, std::string Phone2, std::string Address, std::string Website, std::string Birthday, std:: string Notes);
std::string getFirstName() ;
std::string getLastName() ;
std::string getNickname() ;
std::string getEmail1() ;
std::string getEmail2() ;
std::string getPhone1() ;
std::string getPhone2() ;
std::string getAddress() ;
std::string getWebsite() ;
std::string getBirthday() ;
std::string getNotes() ;
std ::string firstname;
std ::string lastname;
std ::string nickname;
std ::string email1;
std ::string email2;
std ::string phone1;
std ::string phone2;
std ::string address;
std ::string website;
std ::string birthday;
std ::string notes;
#include "addressbook.h"
void AddressBook::addContact (Contact newContact)
#include "contacts.h"
class AddressBook
void addContact (Contact newContact);
vector<Contact> addressbook;