I'm now year 12 in a programming oriented high school and I have some 3-4 months to complete a programming based project.
I know SQL (completed "Introduction to Computer Science" course), PL/SQL (New to PL/SQL but I'm learning fast), C# (learned it 3 years and had good grades) and HTML (worked on 2 websites as a volunteer). Worked in Adobe and Office programs (not so good with Flash and Access). Math isn't really my favorite subject (many sites suggest encryption project and i don't fully understand the math behind those).
For now I've had 2 ideas:
A C# project that acts like a typing tool for html codes (it would have a solution explorer (for navigation) on the side and it would know all HTML tags, colors, fonts and it would keep track of tags (if some are not closed, etc.) and syntax errors. It should speed up the making of HTML files (compared to typing in notepad or similar software).
Another C# project that would convert a sentence written in my native language (Serbian) to an SQL command. Example: "Who has salary bigger then 20000 ?" (in Serbian - but I'm thinking of maybe doing this in English) -> "SELECT name, last_name FROM employees where salary > 20000"
What do you think about my ideas ? (are they too easy for year 12? are they too hard ? will i be able to do them with the languages I know ? do you think they are interesting ?)
Do you have any other project ideas based on my "mini CV" ?
Thank you for your time :)