Hi, i have a problem in displaying the added value of two numbers.
I know how to convert the input number into decimal.
So after converting it, i added those value and got it stored in a register.
My problem is how can I display if the sum is like 10, 11 , 12 ,13 ...onwards.

It will display like ?,@,A,B.
Can someone help me on how to display the right number?

Um, where do you want it displayed? On a billboard, command prompt, in the sky, DOS, in the dirt, windows? What OS does this display device use?

Im using tasm xD
In command prompt.
what i mean is everytime i want to display it, it display the @,?,A,B,C etc. when the sum exceeds to 10,11,12,13,14 etc

Im using tasm xD
In command prompt.
what i mean is everytime i want to display it, it display the @,?,A,B,C etc. when the sum exceeds to 10,11,12,13,14 etc

Instead of explaining what you meant, had you posted your code here, you may have already got the solution.

Here is the example code

mov ah, 1
int 21h  ; to get a single number input from the user
sub al, 30h ; to make the input number to decimal

mov a, al ; move the content of al to a variable

mov ah, 1
int 21h 
sub al, 30h

add al, a ; add the contents of al and a
add al, 30h
mov ah, 2
mov dl, al ; to display the content of al
int 21h

here's the problem, when the sum reaches 10 or higher, it will not display 10 but instead the next symbol in the ascii table after the 9. how can i display it?

I had written a procedure for displaying integers on the screen a while back, this might help you with your problem.The code is full of comments so I hope you'll not have a hard time figuring out what it does.

put_num:		;function put_num: prints value stored in  the ax register
			;(a 16 bit integer) to stdout	
	push ax		;save registers
	push bx	
	push cx
	push dx
	xor cx,cx	;cx=0
	mov bx,10d	;bx=10(decimal)

PNloop1:xor dx,dx	;dx=0
	div bx		;dx=ax/bx
	push dx		;push the result in stack 
	inc cx		;cx++(cx acts like a counter to notify how many digits in the number) 
	cmp ax,0	;but if the ax was zero,                           
	jnz PNloop1	;then jump to PNloop1                              
	mov ah,2	;otherwise...(Dos function to print a character)   
PNloop2:pop dx		;get the value just pushed in to the stack in dx,  
	add dl,48	;convert it in to ascii 
	int 21h		;and print it		                 				
	dec cx		;decrease counter
	jnz PNloop2	;if cx not zero (still digits left) then loop again.
			;otherwise ..
	pop dx		;restore registers and return
	pop cx
	pop bx
	pop ax

I tried the given code, but it displays tons of 5 @___@.
here is my complete code

title add.asm
.model small
.stack 0100h
        t1 db,10,13, "Enter a number: $"
        t2 db "The sum is: $"
        a db ?
        b db ?
        mov dx, @data
        mov ds, dx

        mov ah, 9
        lea dx, t1
        int 21h

        mov ah, 1
        int 21h
        sub al, 30h
        mov a, al

        mov ah, 1
        int 21h       
        sub al, 30h

        add al, a
	push ax
	push bx
	push cx
	push dx

        xor cx, cx
        mov bx, 10d

        xor dx,dx
        div bx
        push dx
        inc cx
        cmp ax, 0
        jnz pnloop1
        mov ah, 2
        pop dx
        add dl, 48d
        int 21h
        dec cx
        jnz pnloop1
	pop dx
	pop cx
	pop bx
	pop ax

 mov ax, 4c00h
 int 21h


It's a procedure, just call it from your main program like this:

.model small
.stack 100h
a db 0
	mov ax,@data
	mov ds,ax
	mov ah, 1
	int 21h  ; to get a single number input from the user
	sub al, 30h ; to make the input number to decimal
	mov a, al ; move the content of al to a variable
	mov ah, 1
	int 21h 
	sub al, 30h
	add al, a ; add the contents of al and a
	xor ah,ah ;ah=0
	call put_num

	mov ah,4ch
	int 21h

put_num:		;function put_num: prints value stored in  the ax register
			;(a 16 bit integer) to stdout	
	push ax		;save registers
	push bx	
	push cx
	push dx
	xor cx,cx	;cx=0
	mov bx,10d	;bx=10(decimal)

PNloop1:xor dx,dx	;dx=0
	div bx		;dx=ax/bx
	push dx		;push the result in stack 
	inc cx		;cx++(cx acts like a counter to notify how many digits in the number) 
	cmp ax,0	;but if the ax was zero,                           
	jnz PNloop1	;then jump to PNloop1                              
	mov ah,2	;otherwise...(Dos function to print a character)   
PNloop2:pop dx		;get the value just pushed in to the stack in dx,  
	add dl,48	;convert it in to ascii 
	int 21h		;and print it		                 				
	dec cx		;decrease counter
	jnz PNloop2	;if cx not zero (still digits left) then loop again.
			;otherwise ..
	pop dx		;restore registers and return
	pop cx
	pop bx
	pop ax
end start

Note that the above is a masm code.

Thanks alot ! it works :DDDDD Thank you! :DDDDDD

heres the final code in TASM :D

.model small
.stack 100h
a db 0
t1 db,10,13, "Enter a number: $"
t2 db,10,13, "The sum is: $"

main proc
	mov ax,@data
	mov ds,ax

	mov ah, 9
	lea dx, t1
	int 21h

	mov ah, 1
	int 21h  ; to get a single number input from the user
	sub al, 30h ; to make the input number to decimal
	mov a, al ; move the content of al to a variable

	mov ah, 9
	lea dx, t1
	int 21h

	mov ah, 1
	int 21h 
	sub al, 30h


	add al, a ; add the contents of al and a
	push ax

	mov ah, 9
	lea dx, t2
	int 21h
	pop ax

	xor ah,ah ;ah=0
	call put_num

	mov ah,4ch
	int 21h

main endp

put_num  proc		;function put_num: prints value stored in  the ax register
			;(a 16 bit integer) to stdout	
	push ax		;save registers
	push bx	
	push cx
	push dx
	xor cx,cx	;cx=0
	mov bx,10d	;bx=10(decimal)
PNloop1:xor dx,dx	;dx=0
	div bx		;dx=ax/bx
	push dx		;push the result in stack 
	inc cx		;cx++(cx acts like a counter to notify how many digits in the number) 
	cmp ax,0	;but if the ax was zero,                           
	jnz PNloop1	;then jump to PNloop1                              
	mov ah,2	;otherwise...(Dos function to print a character)   
PNloop2:pop dx		;get the value just pushed in to the stack in dx,  
	add dl,48	;convert it in to ascii 
	int 21h		;and print it		                 				
	dec cx		;decrease counter
	jnz PNloop2	;if cx not zero (still digits left) then loop again.
			;otherwise ..
	pop dx		;restore registers and return
	pop cx
	pop bx
	pop ax

put_num endp

Thanks alot ! it works :DDDDD Thank you! :DDDDDD

heres the final code in TASM :D

.model small
.stack 100h
a db 0
t1 db,10,13, "Enter a number: $"
t2 db,10,13, "The sum is: $"

main proc
	mov ax,@data
	mov ds,ax

	mov ah, 9
	lea dx, t1
	int 21h

	mov ah, 1
	int 21h  ; to get a single number input from the user
	sub al, 30h ; to make the input number to decimal
	mov a, al ; move the content of al to a variable

	mov ah, 9
	lea dx, t1
	int 21h

	mov ah, 1
	int 21h 
	sub al, 30h


	add al, a ; add the contents of al and a
	push ax

	mov ah, 9
	lea dx, t2
	int 21h
	pop ax

	xor ah,ah ;ah=0
	call put_num

	mov ah,4ch
	int 21h

main endp

put_num  proc		;function put_num: prints value stored in  the ax register
			;(a 16 bit integer) to stdout	
	push ax		;save registers
	push bx	
	push cx
	push dx
	xor cx,cx	;cx=0
	mov bx,10d	;bx=10(decimal)
PNloop1:xor dx,dx	;dx=0
	div bx		;dx=ax/bx
	push dx		;push the result in stack 
	inc cx		;cx++(cx acts like a counter to notify how many digits in the number) 
	cmp ax,0	;but if the ax was zero,                           
	jnz PNloop1	;then jump to PNloop1                              
	mov ah,2	;otherwise...(Dos function to print a character)   
PNloop2:pop dx		;get the value just pushed in to the stack in dx,  
	add dl,48	;convert it in to ascii 
	int 21h		;and print it		                 				
	dec cx		;decrease counter
	jnz PNloop2	;if cx not zero (still digits left) then loop again.
			;otherwise ..
	pop dx		;restore registers and return
	pop cx
	pop bx
	pop ax

put_num endp

you're welcome.
And also mark this thread solved.

how can i mark this thread as sovled? ><

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