Hi All,
Iam using a webservice to downlad the html, audio and video files from the broadcast server and save it in the relay server after creating the folder, but the file is not getting created and also not able to download the files and iam getting Event 1309 warning stating There is an Internal server error(500). Here is the code below and do guide me on the same :
Dim strSaveAsFileNameWithPath As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FileEncryptFolder") + strFileName
Const ChunkSize As Integer = 10000
Dim iStream As System.IO.Stream = Nothing
Dim iBroadcastStream As System.IO.Stream = Nothing
'Dim bytesFileChunk As Byte()
Dim FileSize As Integer = 0
'Dim Buffer(ChunkSize) As Byte
Dim strMutexName As String = strFileName
Dim strProxyURL As String = String.Empty
Dim iProxyPort As Integer
Dim sCompanyID As String = context.Request.QueryString("CID")
Dim BroadcastServerURI As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("BroadcastServerURI") + strFileName + "&CID=" + sCompanyID
If strSaveAsFileNameWithPath.Contains("[COMPANYID]") Then
strSaveAsFileNameWithPath = strSaveAsFileNameWithPath.Replace("[COMPANYID]", sCompanyID)
End If
If Not ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("ProxyURL") Is Nothing Then
strProxyURL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("ProxyURL").ToString.Trim
End If
If Not ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("ProxyPort") Is Nothing Then
iProxyPort = CInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("ProxyPort").ToString.Trim)
End If
'RelayRemoteFile can create a RACE condition as such use mutex to block subsecutive calls
Using mutex As New Mutex(False, strMutexName)
'Const ChunkSize As Integer = 10000
Dim readLen As Integer = 0
Dim ncAuthorize As NetworkCredential = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials 'New NetworkCredential("Username", "Password", "Domain")
Dim ohttpWebRequest As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(BroadcastServerURI), HttpWebRequest)
If (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(strProxyURL)) Then
objProxy = New WebProxy(strProxyURL, iProxyPort)
objProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials
ohttpWebRequest.Proxy = objProxy
End If
ohttpWebRequest.Credentials = ncAuthorize
Dim ohttpWebResponse As WebResponse = ohttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
Dim Buffer(ChunkSize) As Byte
Using responseStream As Stream = ohttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream()
Using oStream As Stream = File.Create(strSaveAsFileNameWithPath)
While True
readLen = responseStream.Read(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length)
If readLen = 0 Then Exit While ' EoF
oStream.Write(Buffer, 0, readLen)
End While
End Using
End Using
RelayLocalFile(context, strSaveAsFileNameWithPath)
End Using