Endianness is about byte order, not bit order. So
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000011
in little endian is
00000011 00000000 00000000 00000000
in big endian. Keep that in mind when doing your conversions.
How to create a Little Endian computation code?
MASM platform:
val7 dword 12345678 ; little endian starting point
Is this correct when using the PTR operator? To determine the little Endian
mov al,byte ptr val7 ; mov val7 to the eax register
call dumpregs
mov al,byte ptr val7+1 ; mov val7 to the eax register
call dumpregs
mov al,byte ptr val7+2 ; mov val7 to the eax register
call dumpregs
mov al,byte ptr val7+3 ; mov val7 to the eax register
call dumpregs