Hi. I'm trying to create a program that prints an invoice with multiple pages continuously. Currently, the program allows to print multiple pages but it is exactly the same content from the first page. How can i print in multiple pages and it continues from the first page?
private void DrawAll(System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e, int controlnum)
//RectangleF srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width,
// LargerImage.Height);
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
//e.HasMorePages = true;
RectangleF srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.BackgroundImage.Width,
int nWidth = printDocument1.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Width;
int nHeight = printDocument1.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Height;
RectangleF destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, nWidth, nHeight);
g.DrawImage(this.BackgroundImage, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
// g.DrawImage(this.LargerImage, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
float scalex = destRect.Width/this.BackgroundImage.Width;
float scaley = destRect.Height/this.BackgroundImage.Height;
Pen aPen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1);
float ypos = 0;
string name = "HATLAPA";
string name2 = "A S I A P A C I F I C P T E L T D";
string CompanyAddress1 = "25 International Business Park, #02-25 German Centre";
string CompanyAddress2 = "Singapore 609916. Tel:(65) 65628088 Fax:(65)65628099";
Font f = new Font("Arial Black", 24);
Font f2 = new Font("Times New Roman", 14,FontStyle.Bold);
Font f3 = new Font("Arial",10);
g.DrawString(name, f, Brushes.Black, scalex + 320, scaley - 10 , new StringFormat());
g.DrawString(name2, f2, Brushes.Black, scalex + 266, scaley + 26, new StringFormat());
g.DrawString(CompanyAddress1, f3, Brushes.Black, scalex + 232, scaley + 56, new StringFormat());
g.DrawString(CompanyAddress2, f3, Brushes.Black, scalex + 227, scaley + 75, new StringFormat());
for (int i = controlnum; i < this.Controls.Count; i++)
// draw logo
//if (Controls[i].GetType() == this.pictureBox1.GetType())
// if (pictureBox1.Image != null)
// {
// GraphicsUnit gu = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;
// RectangleF scaledRectangle = GetScaledRectangle(scalex, scaley, pictureBox1.Bounds);
// Image myImage = (Image)pictureBox1.Image.Clone();
// g.DrawImage(myImage, scaledRectangle, pictureBox1.Image.GetBounds(ref gu), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
// }
// print edit box control contents
if (Controls[i].GetType() == this.textBox1.GetType())
if (!ControlIsListViewEdit(i)) // skip these
TextBox theText = (TextBox)Controls[i];
if (theText.Name == "SubtotalTextBox" )
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j+1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 135;
g.DrawString(theText.Text, theText.Font, Brushes.Black, theText.Bounds.Left*scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (theText.Name == "PercentTextBox")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 155;
g.DrawString(theText.Text, theText.Font, Brushes.Black, theText.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (theText.Name == "SPPTextBox")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 175;
g.DrawString(theText.Text, theText.Font, Brushes.Black, theText.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (theText.Name == "TotalTextBox")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 195;
g.DrawString(theText.Text, theText.Font, Brushes.Black, theText.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (theText.Name == "paymentTermTextbox")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 255;
g.DrawString(theText.Text, theText.Font, Brushes.Black, theText.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (theText.Name == "tiemeDeliveryTextbox")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 235;
g.DrawString(theText.Text, theText.Font, Brushes.Black, theText.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (theText.Name == "validityTextbox")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 285;
g.DrawString(theText.Text, theText.Font, Brushes.Black, theText.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (theText.Name == "termofPriceTextbox")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley +305;
g.DrawString(theText.Text, theText.Font, Brushes.Black, theText.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (theText.Name == "remarkTextbox")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 325;
g.DrawString(theText.Text, theText.Font, Brushes.Black, theText.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
g.DrawString(theText.Text, theText.Font, Brushes.Black, theText.Bounds.Left * scalex + 35, theText.Bounds.Top * scaley + 115, new StringFormat());
// handle date controls
if (Controls[i].GetType() == this.TodayPicker.GetType())
DateTimePicker aPicker = (DateTimePicker)Controls[i];
g.DrawString(aPicker.Text, aPicker.Font, Brushes.Black, aPicker.Bounds.Left*scalex +35, aPicker.Bounds.Top * scaley + 115, new StringFormat());
if (Controls[i].GetType() == this.label1.GetType())
Label l = (Label)Controls[i];
if (l.Name == "lblSubtotal")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 135;
g.DrawString(l.Text, l.Font, Brushes.Black, l.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (l.Name == "lblDiscount")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley +155;
g.DrawString(l.Text, l.Font, Brushes.Black, l.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (l.Name == "lblDiscountedPrice")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 175;
g.DrawString(l.Text, l.Font, Brushes.Black, l.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (l.Name == "lblGrandtotal")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 195;
g.DrawString(l.Text, l.Font, Brushes.Black, l.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (l.Name == "lblTimeOfDelivery")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 235;
g.DrawString(l.Text, l.Font, Brushes.Black, l.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (l.Name == "lblPaymentTerm")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 255;
g.DrawString(l.Text, l.Font, Brushes.Black, l.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (l.Name == "lblValidity")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 285;
g.DrawString(l.Text, l.Font, Brushes.Black, l.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (l.Name == "lblTermOfPrice")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 305;
g.DrawString(l.Text, l.Font, Brushes.Black, l.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
else if (l.Name == "lblRemarks")
for (int j = 0; j < listView1.Items.Count; j++)
if (listView1.Items[j].Text == "")
if (j < listView1.Items.Count - 1 && listView1.Items[j + 1].Text == "")
ypos = (listView1.Items[j].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y) * scaley + 325;
g.DrawString(l.Text, l.Font, Brushes.Black, l.Bounds.Left * scalex + 25, ypos * scaley, new StringFormat());
g.DrawString(l.Text, l.Font, Brushes.Black, l.Bounds.Left * scalex + 35, l.Bounds.Top * scaley + 115, new StringFormat());
// handle List View Control
if (Controls[i].GetType() == this.listView1.GetType())
for (int row = 0; row < listView1.Items.Count; row++)
int nextColumnPosition = listView1.Bounds.X;
for (int col = 0; col < listView1.Items[row].SubItems.Count; col++)
g.DrawString(listView1.Items[row].SubItems[col].Text, listView1.Items[row].Font, Brushes.Black, (nextColumnPosition + 3)*scalex + 35 , (listView1.Items[row].Bounds.Y + listView1.Bounds.Y)* scaley+115, new StringFormat());
nextColumnPosition += listView1.Columns[col].Width;
// if (Controls[i].GetType() == this.RetirementPlanCheck.GetType())
// {
// CheckBox theCheck = (CheckBox)Controls[i];
// Rectangle aRect = theCheck.Bounds;
// g.DrawRectangle(aPen, aRect.Left*scalex, aRect.Top*scaley, aRect.Width*scalex, aRect.Height*scaley);
// if (theCheck.Checked)
// {
// g.DrawString("x", theCheck.Font, Brushes.Black,
// theCheck.Left*scalex + 1, theCheck.Top*scaley + 1, new StringFormat());
// }
// }
if (i == 10)
controlnum = i;
e.HasMorePages = true;
} // end for loop
// if ypos near the page margin,
// e.hasMorePages = true;