I need some help my code repeats the add new employee and is not asking for index.
What I was supposed to do.
Write a function name hireOne whose parameters are the array of structs, and the size of the list; the function should prompt the user to input a new employee and an index. If the index is within the correct limits, add the new employee to that index in the array.(Do not erase any employees; move data items to make room for the new one.) Call hireOne three times from the main function; print out the array after the calls. Hand in output for:
Jack Sprat, male, 2 dependents, $25.00, id 1212 added to index 5
Hillary Hacker, female, 1 dependent, $25.00, id 1113 added to index 1.
Thomas Trouble, male, 1 dependent, $5.00, id 9898 added to index 30
B-2 ) : Use selection sort to sort the array in descending order by pay rate. Print out the sorted array.
B-3): Write a function named cutBacks. The parameters should be the array of structs and the size of the list. This function decreases the salary for each employee by 10%. Call your function from the main function. Print out the array after cutBacks is called.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct employeeType
int id;
string first;
string last;
char gender;
double payrate;
int dependents;
const int MAX_EMPLOYEES = 50;
void getData(ifstream& inFile, employeeType list[], int& listSize);
void printList(const employeeType list[], int listSize) ;
void printOne ( employeeType one);
employeeType getOne ( ifstream& dataIn );
employeeType newemployee();
void selectionsort(employeeType list[], int);
void cutBacks(employeeType list[], int);
void addOne (employeeType list[], int& length);
int main ()
{ employeeType him,her;
employeeType list [MAX_EMPLOYEES ] ;
int number ; // number of employees in the file
int i;
ifstream dataFile;
dataFile.open ( "Employees.txt");
if (!dataFile)
cout << "bummer file\n\n";
system ("pause");
return 1;
getData (dataFile, list, number);
cout << "There were " << number << " employees input. \n\n\n";
printList( list, number) ;
cout<<"before sort\n";
printList( list, number) ;
cout<<"after sort\n";
printList( list, number) ;
cout<<"after cutbacks\n";
printList( list, number) ;
system ("pause" );
return 0;
} //end of main
/////////////// task 2
employeeType newemployee()
{employeeType p;
cout<<"\nFor the New Employee:\n";
cout<<"Enter ID: ";
cout<<"Enter First Name: ";
cout<<"Enter Last Name: ";
cout<<"Enter Gender: ";
cout<<"Enter Pay Rate:$ ";
cout<<"Enter Number of Dependents: ";
return p;
////////////////// Task 3
void addOne (employeeType list[], int& length)
int where;
employeeType what;
cout<<"Enter the index for new employee.";
if (length >=0 && where <= length ) {
what = newemployee();
for (int i = length -1; i >=where; i++)
list [i+1] = list [i];
list [where] = what;
cout <<"illegal subscript " << endl;
/////////// Task 4
void selectionsort( employeeType list[], int n)
int i;
int index;
int min;
employeeType temp;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
//Step a
index = i;
for (min = i + 1; min < n; min++)
if (list[min].payrate < list[i].payrate)
i = min;
//Step b
temp = list[i];
list[index] = list[i];
list[i] = temp;
////////////////// Task 5
void cutBacks(employeeType list[],int n)
{int i;
list[i].payrate=list[i].payrate * 0.10;
// Input employees from the input file
void getData(ifstream& inFile, employeeType list[], int& listSize)
employeeType item ;
listSize = 0;
item = getOne (inFile) ;
while (inFile && listSize < MAX_EMPLOYEES )
list[listSize ] = item ;
item = getOne (inFile) ;
if (inFile )
cout << "not all data items were input; array too small\n\n";
inFile.close () ;
// Print out the list of employeeType structs
void printList(const employeeType list[], int listSize)
int looper ;
for ( looper = 0; looper < listSize ; looper++)
printOne ( list [looper] );
cout << endl ;
// Input one employee from the input file
employeeType getOne ( ifstream& dataIn )
employeeType one;
dataIn >> one.first >> one.last >> one.gender
>> one.id >> one.payrate >> one.dependents;
return one;
//print out one menuItemType struct
void printOne ( employeeType one)
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision (2);
cout << "ID: " << one.id << endl;
cout << "Name: " <<one.first << " " << one.last<< endl;
cout << "Gender: " << one.gender <<endl;
cout << "Pay Rate:$" << one.payrate << endl;
cout << "Number of Dependents: " << one.dependents <<endl;