Ok, so I'm new to programming and I'm making console programs right now. I tried making a program to draw a rectangle in a cli program. I have some logical errors in the program that prevent it from working. I'm new to C++ so go easy on me. :P

/*Program by Ted. 11/03/11
Program creates a rectangle or square
in a text matrix according to user input.*/
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std; //variables must be greater than 2
int w1(0);
int w2(0);
int wf(0);
int h(0);
int hf(0);
int inside(0);
int inside_c(0);
int p(0);
int a(0);
bool repeat(true);
string response("");
/*Program determines expected values. to be debugged*/
int main(){
		cout << "Enter only whole numbers.\n";
		cout << "/////////////////////////";
		cout << "\n\tEnter the width: ";
		cin >> w1, w2, wf, inside;
		inside_c = inside;
		cout << "\n\tEnter the height: ";
		cin >> h, hf;
		cout << "\n" << endl;
			cout << "/";
			w1-=1;}//end while
		cout << "\n";
			if(inside_c == 0){
				inside_c = inside;}//end if
			cout << "/";
				cout << "*";
				inside_c-=1;}//end inner loop
			cout << "/\n";
			h -=1;}//end while
			cout << "/";
			w2-=1;}//end while
		cout << "\n\nThe perimeter of this shape is" << p << endl;
		cout << "The area of this shape is " << a << endl;
		cout << "\nEnter dimensions for another rectangle? (lowercase only) " << endl;
		getline(cin, response);
		if (response == "y"){
			repeat = true;}
			if (response == "n"){
				repeat = false;}
				cout << "Response is not understood. Program will continue. ";
				repeat = true;}//end if else
	}while(repeat == true);
	cout << "press the ENTER key to exit... ";
	return 0;
}//end of main

Beware of changing the values of data entered by the user; you may need to use them more than once in a program run.
I've modified your code a little, replacing a couple of Whiles with a for loop, nested in another for loop, to display the rectangle using the / character.
The code was attempting to assign values to several variables using one cin statement. This did not work, so only the first variable was assigned a value in each cin statement.
I would recommend that the default action would be to end the program if the user's choice of another rectangle could not be worked out. I think it's safer. There is less chance of an infinite loop occurring.

/*Program by Ted. 11/03/11
Program creates a rectangle or square
in a text matrix according to user input.*/
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std; //variables must be greater than 2
int w1(0);
int w2(0);
int wf(0);
int h(0);
int hf(0);
int inside(0);
int inside_c(0);
int p(0);
int a(0);
bool repeat(true);
string response("");
/*Program determines expected values. to be debugged*/
int main(){
		cout << "Enter only whole numbers.\n";
		cout << "/////////////////////////";
		cout << "\n\tEnter the width: ";
		cin >> w1, w2, wf, inside;		// w1 is assigned a value but w2, wf and inside are not.
		inside-=2;		// sets inside to -2
		inside_c = inside;
		cout << "\n\tEnter the height: ";
		cin >> h, hf;	// h is assigned a value but hf is not.
		// h-=2;			// sets h to -2
		cout << "\n" << endl;

		for (int height = 1;height <= h; height++)
			for (int width = 1;width <= w1;width++)
				cout << "/";
			}//end while
			cout << endl;
		cout << "\n";

			if(inside_c == 0){
				inside_c = inside;}//end if
			cout << "/";
				cout << "*";
				inside_c-=1;}//end inner loop
			cout << "/\n";
			h -=1;}//end while
			cout << "/";
			w2-=1;}//end while
		// p=hf+hf+wf+wf;
		p = 2 * (h + w1);

		// a=wf*hf;
		a = h*w1;

		cout << "\n\nThe perimeter of this shape is " << p << endl;
		cout << "The area of this shape is " << a << endl;
		cout << "\nEnter dimensions for another rectangle? (lowercase only) " << endl;
		// getline(cin, response);
		cin >> response;
		if (response == "y"){
			repeat = true;}
			if (response == "n"){
				repeat = false;}
				cout << "Response is not understood. Program will continue. ";
				repeat = true;}//end if else
	}while(repeat == true);
	cout << "press the ENTER key to exit... ";
	return 0;
}//end of main
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