coastin 0 Newbie Poster

i am using arrow

page 60,132
; Name:
; Description: Template for assembly language programs.

;stack segment

sseg      segment para stack 'stack'
          db   120 dup(?)    ;reserve 120 bytes for the stack

sseg      ends


              ;Define your constants here (EQU)

;data segment

dseg      segment para 'data'

           ;Declare your variables here

string label byte
max_len db 100
act_len db ?
chars db 21 dup (?)

dseg      ends

;code segment
cseg      segment para 'code'

main      proc far               ;this is the program entry point
          assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg, ss:sseg 
          mov  ax,dseg           ;load the data segment value
          mov  ds,ax             ;assign value to ds

              ;place your program instructions here

mov ah,2
mov dl,'?'
int 21h
lea dx,string
mov ah,0Ah
int 21h
mov dl,0Ah
mov ah,2
int 21h
mov dl,0Dh
int 21h

mov bl,[string+1]
xor bh,bh
mov [string+bx+2],'$'
lea dx,string
add dx,2
mov ah,9
int 21h

          mov  ah,4Ch            ;set up interupt
          int  21h               ;Interupt to return to DOS
main      endp
cseg      ends
          end     main           ;Program exit point

can someone provide me with some info on how i can do a reverse print to whatever i type in this code?