Guys, I've been stuck on this for a while now. This is actually one of my assignments, and I'm really lost. This is the assignment:
You manage a .txt file containing the customer ID number and account balance of the members of a bank. Last week, a computing error caused each customer's account balance to get reversed. For example, if someone had an account balance of 132.64, this was reversed to become: 462.31. Write a program which will input the file and output a file containing the corrected account balances next to each customer ID number (a 9 digit number with no spaces).
Each line of the .txt file is of the form:
ID# Balance
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Allow the user to specify both the input and output filenames in each problem. Program should perform the required checks for input and output files.
Here is my code so far:
#include<cstdlib> //to use exit(1)
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream inFile, inSortFile;
ofstream outFile;
ifstream checkFile;
string inFileName, outFileName, ID, balance;
cout << "What is the name of the file you would like to read from? ";
cin >> inFileName;;
if( cout << "The file called " << inFileName << " does not exist." << endl;
cout << "The file was opened." << endl;
cout << "Where would you like to output the data: ";
cin >> outFileName;;
{ //opening outer if
cout << "A file with the name " << outFileName << " already exists." << endl
<< "Do you wish to overwrite the file? Enter n or N if no, anything else if yes: ";
char answer;
cin >> answer;
{ //opening inner if
cout << outFileName << " will not be overwritten.\n";
} //closing inner if
} //closing outer if
cout << "The data was successfully output to " << outFileName << "." <<endl;
int count = 0;
{ //opening while
inFile >> ID >> balance;
outFile << ID << " " << balance << endl;
} //closing while
return 0;
Right now pretty much all the code does is just copy the old file to the new one. But I want it to copy the first part of each line - ID#, but then reverse the other number, well what the assignment is asking me to do. I tried to store it as an array and then reverse it, but it's not working. That approach is probably wrong anyway because if it's a decimal, the point won't be put in the right place - 41.2 would become 2.14 instead of 21.4. PLEASE GUYS HELP! Any idea how to accomplish the task? Anything is appreciated, nothing too crazy though. I want to understand this and I'm still a beginner.