I need to develop a C source code that accept all marks and counts the total percentage of the subject "STIV1013". And, based on the total percent obtained, I need to determine the grade acquired for the subject "STIV1013" based on the grade table given.
Look below, for a rough idea of what the question is talking about:
"STIV1013" marks:
*Quizzes 10% (Choose the best 2 from 5 quizzes)
-Quiz 1 5%
-Quiz 2 5%
-Quiz 3 5%
-Quiz 4 5%
-Quiz 5 5%
*Assignment 20%(Add all assignments)
-Assignment1 5%
-Assignment2 5%
-Assignment3 5%
-Assignment4 5%
*Final Project 30%(Add all)
-System 20%
-Report 10%
-Final Exam 40%(from 100 marks)
Grade Mark Scale Grade Point