Practicing C++ and here is two of the practice problems I pulled from the FAQ And practice post. Just want feedback and issues with the way I wrote these.

Simple Calculator

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
        //cout << string(50, '\n');
        cout << "Welcome to Simple Calc" << endl;
        cout << "Program will ask for two numbers and then a operation" << endl;
        string input = "";
        string input2 = "";
        char input3 = '+';
        int sum = 0;
        while (true)
                cout << "Numbers Only please, enter x at any time to quit." << endl;
                cout << "Valid Operations are +(Addition), -(Subtraction), *(Multiplication), /(Division)" << endl;
                cout << "Please enter first number:";
                cin >> input;
                if (input == "x") {break;}
                cout << endl << "Please enter Second number:";
                cin >> input2;
                if (input2 == "x") {break;}
                cout << endl << "Please enter Operation(default +):";
                cin >> input3;
                if (input3 == 'x') {break;}
                while (input3 != '+' && input3 != '-' && input3 != '*' && input3 != '/')
                                cout << "Current Char is: " << input3;
                                cout << endl << "Please enter + - * / please:";
                                cin >> input3;
                                if (input3 == 'x') {break;}
                if (input3 == 'x') {break;}
                cout << endl << endl << "The total of "
                     << input << " "
                     << input3 << " "
                     << input2 << " is: ";
                        if ( input3 == '+' ) {cout << ( atoi( input.c_str() ) + atoi( input2.c_str() ) );}
                        else if ( input3 == '-') {cout << ( atoi( input.c_str() ) + atoi( input2.c_str() ) );}
                        else if ( input3 == '*') {cout << ( atoi( input.c_str() ) * atoi( input2.c_str() ) );}
                        else if ( input3 == '/') {
                                if ( input2 == "0" ) {cout << "Sorry you cannot divide by 0" << endl;}
                                else {cout << ( atoi( input.c_str() ) / atoi( input2.c_str() ) );}
                cout << endl << endl << endl;
return 0;

Palindrome Checker

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(void) {
        string input;
        string inputReversed;
        cout << "Welcome to the palindrome checker!" << endl;
        while (true) {
        cout << "Enter x to quit." << endl;
        cout << "Please enter a word you would like to check: ";
        cin >> input;
        if (input == "x") {break;}
        cout << "Checking " << input << " to see if its a palindrome." << endl;
                for (int i = input.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        inputReversed = inputReversed +;
        if (input == inputReversed) {cout << inputReversed << " Is a palindrome." << endl << endl;}
        else {cout << inputReversed << " Is not a palindrome." << endl << endl;}
        inputReversed = "";
return 0;

pretty descent. since i have a different coding style i would have done some minor things different, such as instead of using an infinite while(true) loop, i would have done while(toupper(answer) != 'Q') to avoid having to break; out of a loop.

also, i tend to stay away from atoi() and itoa() and use a much more versitle <stringstream> object to make the necessary conversions.

instead of using all the else if() 's you could have probably used a switch case structure to test your input chars.

palindrome checker overall looks good. no suggestions. nicely designed for loop. good use of string class member functions.

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