Hello everyone, Ive been stuck with this little problem for quite some time and if someone could help id be much obliged. I have this code that contains an array with several numbers in put by the user and i don't want any of the numbers in the array to equal one another.But with what I've come up with below has a slight problem in the fact that it tests all numbers in the array including the number that has just been entered creating an infinite loop >.< This is driving me crazy someone save me!
//-----initialize MovieChoice array
int MovieChoice[net.NUMMOVIES];
for (int i=0; i < net.NUMMOVIES; i++)
//-----Prints available movies
cout << "Please choose one of the following videos" << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < net.NUMMOVIES; j++)
cout << j << " for ";
for(int j=0; j < net.NUMMOVIES;j++)//Puts video choices in array
{ //so there are no dupes
while(MovieChoice[j-1] != 9)
cout << endl << "Which movies would you like?(Please enter number of movie one at a time)";
cin >> MovieChoice[j];
if(MovieChoice[j] == 9)//breaks out of loop if user presses 9
for (int h =0; h < net.NUMMOVIES; h++)//error test for similar number in array
while (MovieChoice[j] == MovieChoice[h])
cout << endl << "That movie has already been selected. Press 9 to calculate or choose another movie: ";
cin >> MovieChoice[j];
while ((MovieChoice[j] > net.NUMMOVIES || MovieChoice[j] < 0))//error test for number
cout << endl << "Invalid! Which movies would you liketo rent?(Please enter numbercode of movie one at a time)or enter 9 to calculate: ";
cin >> MovieChoice[j];
cout << "Selected\n";
Cost = Cost + net.video[MovieChoice[j]].GetPrice();
cout << "\nYour total is: " << Cost;
return Cost;