I am having trouble with a program where I have to read in 40 numbers from a file and search them, 20 are successful searches and the other 20 are unsuccessful. I am supposed to show the number of comparisons it takes to find the numbers as well, this is my biggest problem I am having along with the hashing.
I have attached the input and what the output should look like.
Here is my code that I have completed already.
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Search
void prepareArr(ifstream& inFile);
void copyArr();
void sequentialSearch(ofstream& outFile, int);
void binarySearch(ofstream& outFile, int);
void summary(ofstream& outFile);
void hashing(ofstream& outFile);
void SelectionSort(ifstream& inFile);
static const int ArrayMax = 20;
int initialArr[ArrayMax];
int sortResult[ArrayMax];
int main()
ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;
int sequentialSearchComp=0;
int binarySearchComp=0;
int ArrayMax = 20;
int num;
Search search;
outFile << "<<<***Successful Sequential Search***>>>" << endl << endl;
outFile << "ID Number of Comparisons" << endl;
outFile << "-- --------------------" << endl << endl;
search.sequentialSearch(outFile, ArrayMax);
outFile << "<<<***Unsuccessful Sequential Search***>>>" << endl << endl;
outFile << "ID Number of Comparisons" << endl;
outFile << "-- --------------------" << endl << endl;
search.sequentialSearch(outFile, ArrayMax);
outFile << "<<<***Successful Binary Search***>>>" << endl << endl;
outFile << "ID Number of Comparisons" << endl;
outFile << "-- --------------------" << endl << endl;
search.binarySearch(outFile, ArrayMax);
outFile << "<<<***Unsuccessful Binary Search***>>>" << endl << endl;
outFile << "ID Number of Comparisons" << endl;
outFile << "-- --------------------" << endl << endl;
search.binarySearch(outFile, ArrayMax);
outFile << "<<<***Storing with Division Method/Hash Table***>>>" << endl << endl;
outFile << "Array Index ID" << endl;
outFile << "----------- --" << endl << endl;
outFile << "<<<***Successful Search with Division Method/Hash Table***>>>" << endl << endl;
outFile << "ID Number of Comparisons" << endl;
outFile << "-- --------------------" << endl << endl;
outFile << "<<<***Unsuccessful Search with Division Method/Hash Table***>>>" << endl << endl;
outFile << "ID Number of Comparisons" << endl;
outFile << "-- --------------------" << endl << endl;
return 0;
void Search::prepareArr(ifstream& inFile)
for(int i = 0; i <= ArrayMax-1; i++)
inFile >> initialArr[i];
void Search::copyArr()
for(int i = 0; i <= ArrayMax-1; i++)
sortResult[i] = initialArr[i];
void Search::sequentialSearch(ofstream& outFile, int key)
int comp = 0;
int comparisons = 0;
searchResult = -1;
for(int i = 0; i <= ArrayMax-1; i++)
comp = comparisons + comparisons;
if(key == initialArr[i])
searchResult = i;
outFile << initialArr[i] << " " << comparisons << endl;
outFile << "Average Number of probes: " << comp/20 << endl;
void Search::binarySearch(ofstream& outFile, int key)
int low = 0;
int high = ArrayMax -1;
int mid = (low + high + 1) / 2;
int loc = -1;
int comparisons = 0;
int comp;
for(int i = 0; i <= ArrayMax - 1; i++)
if(key == sortResult[mid])
loc = mid;
else if(key > sortResult[mid])
high = mid - 1;
comparisons = comparisons + 2;
low = mid + 1;
comparisons = comparisons + 2;
outFile << initialArr[i] << " " << comparisons << endl;
outFile << "Average Number of probes: " << comp/20 << endl;
void Search::summary(ofstream& outFile)
outFile << "***<Summary Report>***" << endl << endl;
outFile << "<<<ASL for Successful Search>>>" << endl;
outFile << "-------------------------------" << endl << endl;
outFile << "Sequential Binary Hashing" << endl;
outFile << "---------- ------ -------" << endl << endl;
outFile << "<<<ASL for Unsuccessful Search>>>" << endl << endl;
outFile << "---------------------------------" << endl;
outFile << "Sequential Binary Hashing" << endl;
outFile << "---------- ------ -------" << endl << endl;
void Search::hashing(ofstream& outFile)
int i;
for(i=1; i <= ArrayMax; i++)
outFile << initialArr[i] << endl;
void Search::SelectionSort(ifstream& inFile)
int i, j, first, temp;
int numLength;
for(int i = 0; i <= ArrayMax-1; i++)
inFile >> initialArr[i];
for (i= numLength - 1; i > 0; i--)
first = 0;
for (j=1; j<=i; j++)
if (initialArr[j] < initialArr[first])
first = j;
temp = initialArr[first];
initialArr[first] = initialArr[i];
initialArr[i] = temp;
I have also attached the output I am getting.
Thanks for all of your help.