ok so i need to ask the user for a file to use for the input, then i need to read the input a line at a time, because i am trying to take postfix expressions from the file and evaluate them then return the result in the user's choice of a text file or just on the screen. The problem i am having now is i dont know how to take the user's input from their file and read a line at a time and put it into a stack im so confused. any help would be great thanks.
Postfix Evaluation Program
Version 1.0
This is a program that takes a file from the user and evaluates postfix expressions from the file.
Source File: postfixEval.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
//include stack
using namespace std;
int main()
char inFileName[60];
string outFileName;
cout << "Enter the name of the input file --> ";
cin >> inFileName;
cout << endl << endl;
ifstream postfixFile; // Input filestream variable
// Attempt to open the file
// Check to make sure it opened
if( postfixFile.fail() )
cout << "Error opening input file." << endl;
while( !postfixFile.eof() )
//have user input placed into stack here!!
cout << "The file contained " << numChars << " characters." << endl;
// Close the file -- necessary if the file is to be reread
cout << "Enter the name of the output file --> ";
cin >> outFileName;
cout << endl << endl;
ofstream resultFile; // Output filestram variable
// Attempt to open the file
resultFile.open(outFileName.c_str()); // Filename must be a cstring
// Check to make sure it opened
if( resultFile.fail() )
cout << "Error opening output file." << endl;
// Write some stuff to the file
myOut << "This is written to the file." << endl;
// Be sure to close the file -- otherwise it may not be created