What should I do to change this code using else-if so that it will read the first character in my input text file and then determine which equation to use? For example, the first line in the input text file is A 4 8 and the second line is M 5 9, I want my program to read the first letter and then determine which equation to use. The first line starts with an A so the AddCalculate equation will be used to add 4 and 8 and the second line starts with an M so the MultiplyCalculate equation will be used to multiply 5 and 9. The code that I provided below can only be used to calculate either AddCalculate or MultiplyCalculate. How can I use both AddCalculate and MultiplyCalculate in the same code with else-if to read the first character and determine which equation to use?
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using std::ifstream;
using std::ofstream;
#include "Calcu.h"
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Calcu myCalcu;
ifstream inFile ("AorMin.txt");
ofstream outFile ("AorMout.txt");
int addthis;
int addthat;
int addAnswer;
int multhis;
int multhat;
int mulAnswer;
if (!inFile)
cerr << "Error: Input file could not be opened" << endl;
exit (1);
if (!outFile)
cerr << "Error: Input file could not be opened" << endl;
exit (1);
while ( !inFile.eof() )
inFile >> addthis >> addthat;
addAnswer = myCalcu.AddCalculate (addthis, addthat);
outFile << addthis << ", " << addthat << "= " << addAnswer << endl;
inFile >> multhis >> multhat;
mulAnswer = myCalcu.MultiplyCalculate (multhis, multhat);
outFile << multhis << ", " << multhat << "= " << mulAnswer << endl;
cout << "End-of-file reached.." << endl;
return 0;