Alright guys, I'm kinda new to python.
I've made a kind of an organiser program that allows you to make entries with deadlines, write them to a text file and display them in human readable format when I want it to.
I first made it in command line and it worked perfectly there but when I tried to make a GUI for it with Tkinter, I split it into multiple files and classes for easy handling and tried to make it read stuff from a file for a start.
I get the error AttributeError: 'FunctStatements' object has no attribute 'difference' when I run my code.
Here's the initialization of FunctStatements in the module ""
self.FunctObject = FunctStatements()
and its use in the same module
def WriteToList(self):
for x in self.FunctObject.readfile(self.path):
self.StuffDisplayer.insert(END, x)
Here is "" which does the actual File I/O
from datetime import date
import datetime
class FunctStatements:
def readfile(self,path):
self.f = open(path, 'r')
except IOError:
print("Cannot open file\n")
self.line = self.f.readlines()
self.number = 0
for x in self.line:
if(x[0] == '1'):
self.entering = x
self.number += 1
elif(x[0] == '2'):
self.description = x[2:]
elif(x[0] == '3'):
self.deadline = date(int(x[2:6]), int(x[7:9]), int(x[10:12]))
self.difference = self.deadline -
if(self.difference.days >= 0): #this line returns the error
self.output = ("Entry no: " + str(self.number) + "\n" + "Date and time
of entering: "\
+ str(self.entering) + "Message: " + str(self.description) + \
"Deadself.line: " + str(self.deadline) + "\n" + "Days left: " + \
str(self.difference.days) + "\n")
self.outputlines = []
yield self.outputlines
def __init__(self): =
Judging by the looks of it, I guess the problem is staring me right in the face.:-/