I would like to know some of the alternatives for java swing.
I have to create some kind of multithreaded bots for multiple account creations,Scraping etc. using proxies.Although i would like to ask is Java capable of handling this type of bots,because i have read over the internet that C# is more suitable for this type of bots.
And what topics should i read to make such bots in Java?

You aware that what you described sound as attempt to create spam software and members of this community my reject it?

I am just asking the capabilties of java for the particular task and i am not talking anything about creating spamming softwares.

Then re-read what you posted
I have to create some kind of multithreaded bots for multiple account creations,Scraping etc. using proxies.

Then re-read what you posted
I have to create some kind of multithreaded bots for multiple account creations,Scraping etc. using proxies.

Yes,i read!!
Common guys!!
multithreading,proxies,scraping are some of the important topics that you must know as a software developer and i am just trying to explore my knowledge.

NOTE: I am thinking of this post for educational purpose only.

Member Avatar for hfx642

I've been a professional software developer for over 25 years.
I have never had to know anything about; multithreading, proxies, scraping.
These are NOT "important topics that you must know as a software developer"!

I certainly have done my share of multithreading and scraping in my time, but not a lot with proxies.
But I'm with Peter here: "bots for multiple account creations" sounds very suspicious indeed, and I won't have anything to do with it unless I see a genuine justification.

multithreading,proxies,scraping are some of the important topics that you must know as a software developer and i am just trying to explore my knowledge.

indeed we must be aware that it exists yes, for the reason Peter_Budo has mentioned
==> SPAM
what you describe is an application that creates the possibility to have several accounts in an application, so you can have each account make a post, or perform another action, so it would look like it comes from different persons, while it's all from the same user. I kind off assume that the next step in an application like this would be to have those actions be performed automatically since, hell, if you create a hundred different accounts, with one click on a button, why go through all the trouble to log-in with eaach and every one of them to use them?

normally, you need to create only 1 account with which you perform all your tasks
off course, if you're developing an application, you may need to have several accounts that have access to different parts of the application, and have different rights, but you don't need an application to get that done, you need a decent SQL script.

writing an application for it, means you intend to do it more than once, which is NOT what you need to do for (as you described it) "educational purpose".

Anyway Swing is the part of Java that does GUIs so it's not relevant to the requirements you stated.

Ok thanks for your reply guys.

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