I have a larger program that I want to write, but I can't complete it unless I get this down. I have an array, need to put in a string value to be read out. the program generates characters of data at a time, not as a whole string so I have ot be constantly writing to it. so I made the data into bytes. Heres an attempt at the problem on a small scale:
This is my first time dealing with the byte datatype so I don't know what I'm doing.
.globl __start
la $a0,buf
li $a1,64
move $t2,$a0
li $t0,0
lb $t1,a
loop: beq $t0,7,done
sb $t1,0($t2)
add $t2,$t2,1
add $t0,$t0,1
j loop
li $t0,0
done: sub $t2,$t2,8
# move $a0,$t2
# li $v0,4
# syscall
lb $a0,0($t2)
li $v0,4
add $t2,$t2,8
add $t0,$t0,1
ble $t0,8,loop2
li $v0,10
a: .byte 'a'
buf: .space 64