plz i try to make factorial program but i have mistake

import java .util.Scanner;
public class Factorialrec {
     int fact(int n) {
          int result;
     if ( n ==1) return 1;
     result = fact (n-1) * n;
     return result;
public static void main(String [] args){
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int z;
Factorialrec c=new Factorialrec();
System.out.println("Enter number");
System.out.println("is  factorial "+c.fact(z));

what mistake? is it a programming error? do you get an error message?
or is it a logical error, and you get a different output then expected?

this error class, interface, or enum expected
public static void main(String [] args){

- class, interface, or enum expected
int z;

give me enum expected at diferrent places

you have on closing bracket } too much right before your main method. remove it and place one right after your main method andit should compile.

oh ..
thank you . its working know
thank yoy very much
my problem is solved know ..

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