hello, i have copied parts of it from the book, am not allowed is there anyway someone can chage as much as there can, and try and get rid of ASC, is there another way of doing it, without ASC, OR ASCW, please someone help, please
Public Function Zeichen_OUT(Zeichen As String, wheelNr As Integer) As String
'go left, direction reflector (Umkehrwalze)
Dim Z As Integer
Dim offsetZ As Integer
offsetZ = RotorOffset(wheelNr) - RingOffset(wheelNr)
Z = (Asc(Zeichen) - 64) + offsetZ
If Z < 1 Then Z = Z + 26
If Z > 26 Then Z = Z - 26
Zeichen = Mid(ROTORS(RotorType(wheelNr)), Z, 1)
Z = (Asc(Zeichen) - 64) - offsetZ
If Z < 1 Then Z = Z + 26
If Z > 26 Then Z = Z - 26
Zeichen_OUT = Chr(Z + 64)
End Function