
I'm new in Java and this is my first post here.

I was doing my homework but faced the following error:

c:\java\my box\Login.java:25: variable p might not have been initialized
if (p == pass) {
1 error

You can see the main code bellow:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Login {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
             String user = "admin";
             int pass = 123;
             int p;
             String u;
    	Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);
            System.out.println ("Enter Username:");
    	 if (u == user) {
    	  	System.out.println ("Enter Password:");
    	 } else {
    	  	System.out.println ("Invalid User");
      	  	if (p == pass) {
    	        System.out.println (" ");
    	 	System.out.println ("Welcome to admin area.");
    	        System.out.println (" ");
    	    } else {
    	 	System.out.println ("Incorrect Password");


What's wrong with my code? Am I missing something?

Any helps will be greatly appreciated

If you don't pass on the first "if" statement then "p" will have no value making it uninitialized

you need to give your variable p a default value, either where you say:

int p;

you should say

int p = -1;

or, in your if-else statement:

if (u == user) {
    	  	System.out.println ("Enter Password:");
    	 } else {
    	  	System.out.println ("Invalid User");

you'll need something like:

if (u == user) {
    	  	System.out.println ("Enter Password:");
    	 } else {
    	  	System.out.println ("Invalid User");
// add default here:
p = -1;

or, you need to put the rest of your code:

if (p == pass) {
    	        System.out.println (" ");
    	 		System.out.println ("Welcome to admin area. Please choose an option");
    	        System.out.println (" ");
    	    } else {
    	 	    System.out.println ("Incorrect Password");

inside the if block of your first if statement. that way, you won't try to compare the value of p with another one, before you've actually assign a value to p.

(u == user)

As gets posted here about once a week on average... don't try to compare Strings with ==, use .equals instead. Google for details.

Thank you everybody.
I tried your suggesstions and the error has gone away and program has been compiled successfully. but when I execute my program, after entering the username, It returns Invalid Username message.

Please check the following code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Login {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
             String user = "admin";
             int pass = 123;
             int p;
             String u;
    	Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);
            System.out.println ("Enter Username:");
    	 if (u == user) {
    	  	System.out.println ("Enter Password:");
    	    if (p == pass) {
    	        System.out.println (" ");
    	        System.out.println ("Welcome to admin area. Please choose an option");
    	        System.out.println (" ");
                 } else {
    	        System.out.println ("Incorrect Password");
         } else {
    	        System.out.println ("Invalid User");


Thank you everybody.
I tried your suggesstions and the error has gone away and program has been compiled successfully. but when I execute my program, after entering the username, It returns Invalid Username message.

Please check the following code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Login {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
             String user = "admin";
             int pass = 123;
             int p;
             String u;
    	Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);
            System.out.println ("Enter Username:");
    	 if (u == user) {
    	  	System.out.println ("Enter Password:");
    	    if (p == pass) {
    	        System.out.println (" ");
    	        System.out.println ("Welcome to admin area. Please choose an option");
    	        System.out.println (" ");
                 } else {
    	        System.out.println ("Incorrect Password");
         } else {
    	        System.out.println ("Invalid User");


check JamesCherrill's post above

Thanks a lot
I used .equals instead of == and it works like a charm :)

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