Hi All,

I want to build my final year project in human resource management system in C#.............

But after a lot of search on the web i didn't find any source code for it to develop....

kindly give me some references that make it easier for me to develop my project quickly...

Here i have found a demo video of what is to e prepare in the HRM system kindly check the link below and tell me that whether it is enough for HRM system that was shown in the video.... or if something more is required to add in it plz do tell me


There are a lot of previous projects listed on DaniWeb doing the same thing in various languages.

How comprehensive will be your system?
Will it be like the one in the video or something simpler?
Are you going to make this for the web, graphical desktop or console?

Dear kamilacbe
The link you have provided is the one i needed badly thanks thanks
ONe of the last question is that whether i should made the HRM as website or an ugly desktop application

Dear thines01 what do you think that what was in the video is enough for my final year project..........
Secondly kindly you tell me that whether i should made the HRM as website or a desktop application
I am thinking to make it as web app is this make sense....if this doen't make sense than plz do tell me

It depends on your requirements and what solution will receive an A.

If a student came to me with what is in that video and told me they wrote it,
I'd ask ONE question that would prove they knew nothing of the design or development.

If I could get an A using a console app, I would make it a console app.

commented: good +0
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