
I have just been attempting to update my site.

Apparently an applet I use now needs to become an object for XHTML. I have managed to do this and it works in Firefox and Opera ... but IE6 will not play ball.

I've got a link to a test page here

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

Ummm it looks like you already did that??

Ummm it looks like you already did that??

Not as far as I know!

The rest of the site still uses applet, but this test page is using object.

If it works in IE for you maybe it's something with my IE setup.

The code I've placed is as follows:

<object classid="java:DuriusWaterPic.class" type="application/x-java-applet" archive="DuriusWaterPic.jar" width="230" height="120">
<param name="cabbase" value="DuriusWaterPic.cab" />
<param name="image" value="images/logo.gif" />
<param name="dim" value="5" />
<param name="noise" value="1" />
<param name="mouse" value="9" />
<param name="timer" value="0" />
<param name="target" value="_self" />
<param name="url" value="http://www.tankedup-imaging.com/" />
<param name="strength" value="450" />
<param name="bg" value="ffffff" />
<param name="reg" value="37606985" />

Is there an obvious IE flaw I've missed ... apart from the fact that it's made everything on the site twice as long to do!

Sorry link above should be this

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