Hello Everyone,
I would like to seek your help since I am a beginner to vb. I want to create a report based on some criterias such as dates or names. For example, the user will select the dates from a combo box above and the report to be displayed in some type of container such as a panel for example. Is that possible? My software is like some inventory program, basically just counting no of items in the container and the ones that were delivered. Then at the end of the report, I need to mention the number of items that are still in th container and the ones that were delivered.
I really need your guidance on that. Should i use crystal reports or just the report viewer will do? I am using vs 2010 professional.
Any code that can be useful, please post them. Thanks

yes u can do this , use selection formula , for this .
M.Waqas Aslam

Any more details sir?

Ashley, I'm having the same problem so I'll be interested in any responses that you get. I had a couple of reports in my project done in Crystal Reports. I must say I do not like CR; it seems way more complicated than it needs to be. So, I decided to use the Reporting facility in VS 2010 thinking that it must be easier. I'm one day into this and it doesn't seem to be any easier than CR. Why reporting has to be so complicated I don't know.

Right now my thinking is to go back to CR and try to fix the problems I'm having with that.

I wish there were good books, videos, courses; anything, that would help me with reporting. Everything is easy, once you know it. But, the hard part is getting to know it. And that's where I am now.

So, my reply hasn't helped you one bit but I wanted you to know you are not alone. I'm stumbling along out in the wilderness myself.

I can probably help you with Crystal Reports because I have done a couple of reports. I'm far from skilled in it but probably could help you some. If your decision is to use CR, and you need help on that, just say so here.

Do you know how to query crystal reports? Same as me here... i only hav 5 days to do this...

Ashley, I'm having the same problem so I'll be interested in any responses that you get. I had a couple of reports in my project done in Crystal Reports. I must say I do not like CR; it seems way more complicated than it needs to be. So, I decided to use the Reporting facility in VS 2010 thinking that it must be easier. I'm one day into this and it doesn't seem to be any easier than CR. Why reporting has to be so complicated I don't know.

Right now my thinking is to go back to CR and try to fix the problems I'm having with that.

I wish there were good books, videos, courses; anything, that would help me with reporting. Everything is easy, once you know it. But, the hard part is getting to know it. And that's where I am now.

So, my reply hasn't helped you one bit but I wanted you to know you are not alone. I'm stumbling along out in the wilderness myself.

maybe this can help you Crystal Report

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