
I'm not quite sure if there is a thread for Eclipse related query separately. But since this is a java related one. I'm posting it here.

Is it possible that i can have PMD check run on a project by default ?

Instead of clicking on my source file and check for violations. is it possible that i know the violations when the project is built/compiled from eclipse ? My project is built using an ANT Build as of now, planning to migrate it to Maven.

Any help on this one please ?



I'm not quite sure if there is a thread for Eclipse related query separately. But since this is a java related one. I'm posting it here.

Is it possible that i can have PMD check run on a project by default ?

Instead of clicking on my source file and check for violations. is it possible that i know the violations when the project is built/compiled from eclipse ? My project is built using an ANT Build as of now, planning to migrate it to Maven.

Any help on this one please ?


I do not think so, however i can not say that this is fact, but my reasoning is that PMD is like a plugin(although stand alone too) and is integrated with eclipse, and they made it so you have to always click source files for the violations? the only way to make it do it for you during compilation would be to write maybe an eclipse plugin to do it for you,or just switch to netbeans ;) go look at their main site sure you will find all there:http://pmd.sourceforge.net/ this also may help http://www.eclipsezone.com/articles/pmd/

It does not show the errors by default. Only when i select individual source files in a project and run PMD Check for them, it shows the violations. Have to dig deeper on this.

Thanks though.

It does not show the errors by default. Only when i select individual source files in a project and run PMD Check for them, it shows the violations. Have to dig deeper on this.

Thanks though.

As far as i've read their is no easy click here to check projects during compilation, but there are other tools then PMD which could do the trick check here: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-ap01117/ especially the checkstyle plugin

Well there is no alternative for me than to Click and check once for errors before compiling. Hours of googling has led to nothing.

Well there is no alternative for me than to Click and check once for errors before compiling. Hours of googling has led to nothing.

yup unfortunately, unless ofcourse you use Netbeans :)

Well i think netbeans also has just a plugin, which is there even in Eclipse.

well in netbeans it checks for you when your build and compile it, and also while you are typing your code. so basically you dont do anything netbeans does it all, its much like MS Intellisense in Visual Studios

Oh that is good. Let me check on that.


Oh that is good. Let me check on that.


Pleasure, just thought i'd let you know... it does make life soooooo much simpler ;) enjoy

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