Im trying to cin >> a string consisted of numbers and letters such as 3j4583 and storing each separate char to a separate index of an array

can u help provide the proper syntax?

Technically a string is an array? Would this be ok:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	string std;
	cout << "Please enter your string: ";
	cin >> std;
	for(int i=0; (i < std.length()); i++)
		cout << std[i] << endl;
	return 0;	

- What do you plan to do with it?


If it's only for read only purpose, you can use your original string itself as an array of characters terminated with '\0'.

string myString = "hello world";
    const char *myArray;
    myArray = myString.c_str();

Otherwise create a copy and do read/write

string myString = "hello world";
    const char *myArray;
    myArray = myString.c_str();

    char *copy = new char[strlen(myArray)];
    strcpy(copy, myArray);
    //use your copy
    delete copy;

possibley im trying to read in 2-15chars in a string(ex: "2ta3" or "4528tj" and store them in seperare index's of an array

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int score = 0;
    int lastcard = 0;
    int numCard = 0;
    string hand = "";
    char cards = new char[15];

        cout << "How many cards do you have?: " << endl;
        cin >> numCard;
        cout << "What are you cards?: " << endl;
        cin >> hand;
        for(int i = 0;i<numCard;i++)
            cards[i].assign(hand, i, (i+1);
        cout << cards[2];

        return 0;

there no files, its all interactive

possibley im trying to read in 2-15chars in a string(ex: "2ta3" or "4528tj" and store them in seperare index's of an array

In my previous post, my second suggestion exactly gives the solution.

where do i set the parameter to read in 1 char for each index?

where do i set the parameter to read in 1 char for each index?

Can you be a bit more clear? I believe I gave the solution to what you have asked "Trying to store inputted string as individual chars to individual index's of Array"
What is blocking you?

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