
i was wondering if same one can help me with 2 thinks and if you se samthing wrong white the code you can say that 2 so i can fix it.

this is my code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Uppgift_1
    class Product
        private string Produuct;
        private double Price;
        private bool Food;
        private int count;

        private const double foodVATRate = 0.12, otherVATRate = 0.25;
        private decimal finalprice;

        public void Readinput()

    Console.Write("What is the product you want:  ");
    Produuct = Console.ReadLine();
    Console.Write("Unit price:  ");
    Price = Console.ReadLine();
    Console.Write("Food item y/n:  ");
    Food = Console.ReadLine();

    Console.Write("Count:  ");
    count = Console.ReadLine();

        private void calculateValues()
            finalprice = Price * count;


and i'm wondering what do i need to do so i can but this in a printresults, dont need the code for it i only want to know where i can put it. i mean in a private void or in a public and where do i write it

and where i'm i going to put the if and else code, dont need that code for it

Sorry for the bad english

Take the calculateValues method OUT of the Readinput method.
You have them nested together and that will give you an error.

1) Change your "finalprice" to a double.
2) Add a constructor

Take the calculateValues method OUT of the Readinput method.
You have them nested together and that will give you an error.

1) Change your "finalprice" to a double.
2) Add a constructor

What's wrong with using a decimal here? They are much more accurate within a reasonable financial range (29 significant figuires vs a double with 15), and are therefore well suited to money related problems where neither extremely large nor extremely small numbers are needed (which is what a double is useful for).

There is nothing "wrong" with it other than a compiler warning of incompatible types.
...it can be fixed easily two ways, but the concentration was on something else.

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