For a (homework) project, I have a class ComplexNumber that needs to be printed. I have a number of operations that can be done on objects of the class (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). Each operation returns a new ComplexNumber to be printed. How exactly do I print this? Do I have to write a special constructor or operator to print this in the format I want it? Here is an example of one method.
//code to select the addition case
case 'a': System.out.println("Please enter the two complex numbers to be other in the form 7i+5j, separated by a whitespace");
base = getComplex();
other = getComplex();
System.out.println("The addition of numbers " + base + " and " + other + " is " + addition(base, other));
//the addition method
public static ComplexNumber addition(ComplexNumber cmplx1, ComplexNumber cmplx2) {
return new ComplexNumber(cmplx1.i + cmplx2.i, cmplx1.j + cmplx2.j);
In other words, how do I print a 'ComplexNumber'? Thanks.