okay so we have group program and my job was to make it only fool proof which I've done most of it and now my group wants me modify/change the program that we talked about and they chose me to do it even though I Said no and I can't..a little help would very much appreciated.

I want to change the program and output should be like this:

How many Jail Room will be created? 2

How many Inmates per room? 2

JailRoom 1:

Inmate 1:





Inmate 2:





JailRoom 2:

Inmate 1:






Inmate 2:





import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class JailInternFiles {
    static Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in);
    private Scanner reader,scan;
    private JailIntern[] intns;

	public JailInternFiles() throws IOException{
		// To read the input file
    	reader = new Scanner (new File("JailInternRecords.txt"));

    	// this scanner is here to open again the text file
    	// because the "reader" cannot be opened once it is closed
    	scan = new Scanner(new File("JailInternRecords.txt"));

	// Executes the chosen number
    public void run() throws Exception {
    	intns = new JailIntern[checkEmpty()];
    	int choice;
		do {
			menu();// displays the menu
			choice = readChoice();// reads the choice
			switch (choice) {
		    	case 1:
		    		System.out.println("Press enter to continue. . .");
				case 2:
					System.out.println("\nPress enter to continue. . .");
				case 3:
					System.out.println("\nPress enter to continue. . .");
				case 4:
					System.out.println("\nPress enter to continue. . .");
				case 5:
					System.out.print("Enter the name to be searched: ");
					String searchKey = kbd.nextLine();
					if (isFound(intns, searchKey)) {
						System.out.println(searchKey + " is in the database.");
					} else if (scan.hasNextLine() == false) {
						System.out.println("\nThe text file is empty.");
						System.out.println("You should store jail intern records first.");
					} else {
						System.out.println(searchKey + " is not in the database.");
					System.out.println("\nPress enter to continue. . .");
				case 6:
					if ( scan.hasNextLine() == false ) {
						System.out.println("\nThe text file is empty.");
						System.out.println("You should store jail intern records first.");
					} else {
						System.out.println("\nThe output file has been created successfully!");
					System.out.println("\nPress enter to continue. . .");
		    }// end of switch
		}while(choice != 7);
		System.out.println("\nThank you for using this program.");
    }// end of run method

	 * Read each of the records contained in the text file
     * and store them as elements of the array called intns
	public void readFile(){
    	int index = 0;
    	while (reader.hasNextLine()){
    		String[] temp = reader.nextLine().split(", ");
    		// Store the values to the following variables
    		String detaineeNo = temp[0];
    		String name = temp[1];
    		int roomNumber = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]);
    		String Case = temp[3];
    		String sentence = temp[4];
			String status = temp[5];

    		// Use the values in instantiating JailIntern object
    		intns[index++] = new JailIntern(detaineeNo, name, roomNumber, Case, sentence, status);

	 * this method prints the record
	 * into an ouput file
	public void printDataToFile(JailIntern[] s) throws IOException{
		// To output records in an output file: JailInternOutput.txt
		PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("JailInternRecordsOutput.txt"));
		for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++){


	// The main method
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
		JailInternFiles test = new JailInternFiles();
	}// end of main method

	// This is the menu
	private void menu() throws Exception{
		System.out.println("This program can store and organize data of Jail Intern records.");
		System.out.println("What do you want to do?");
		System.out.println("1.) Store new jail intern record");
		System.out.println("2.) Display records in original order");
		System.out.println("3.) Display sorted records based on names");
		System.out.println("4.) Display sorted records based on room numbers");
		System.out.println("5.) Check if a jail intern record is in the database");
		System.out.println("6.) Print data into a file.");
		System.out.println("7.) Quit");

	 * readChoice method asks the user to input what
	 * will be his choice in the categories
	public int readChoice() throws Exception{
		boolean inputFlag = false;
    	int choice=0;
    	do {
	    	try {
	    		System.out.print("Input the number of your choice: ");
	    		choice = Integer.parseInt(kbd.nextLine());
	    		inputFlag = true;
	    	} catch(Exception e) {
	    		inputFlag = false;
	    	if ( choice < 1 || choice > 7 ) {
				System.out.println("\nInvalid input! You can only choose from 1 to 7 only.");
				System.out.println("\nPress enter to continue. . .");
				inputFlag = false;
		}while( inputFlag = false );
    	return choice;
    }// end of readChoice method

	 * storeJailIntern method asks the user
	 * how many Jail Interns will be save and
	 * stores it in the text file
    public void storeJailIntern() throws Exception{
    	JailIntern[] list;
    	int count;
		do {
	    	System.out.print("How many rooms will be created? ");
	    	count = Integer.parseInt(kbd.nextLine());
			list = new JailIntern[count];
			String enter = enter();
			for ( int x = 0 ; x < list.length ; x++ ) {
					System.out.println("\nFor room: " + (x+1) + ": ");
					if ( enter.compareToIgnoreCase("") == 0 && x >= 1 )
						enter = "\r\n";

					FileWriter out = new FileWriter("JailInternRecords.txt", true);
					BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(out);
					writer.write(enter + (list[x] = readInterns()));// stores/appends data into the file
			}// end of for
			if ( count > 0 ) {
				System.out.println((count == 1 ? count + " new jail intern record " : count + " new jail intern records ")+"has been successfully saved!");
			System.out.println(count <= 0 ? "You should enter one or more!" : "");// prints out if count is less than or equal to zero
		}while(count == 0);

	}// end of storeJailIntern method

	 * readInterns method will ask the information
	 * of a certain jail intern
    public static JailIntern readInterns() throws IOException{
    	boolean inputFlag = false;
    	JailIntern[] list;
    	int number;
    	int roomNo;
    	String j;

    	System.out.print("How many interns will be in this room? ");
    	number = Integer.parseInt(kbd.nextLine());

    	list = new JailIntern[number];

    	for(int x = 0; x < list.length; x++) {

    		System.out.print("Intern " + (x+1) + ":");

    	System.out.print("Enter the detainee number: ");
    	String detaineeNo = kbd.nextLine();
    	System.out.print("Enter the name: ");
    	String name = kbd.nextLine();
    	int roomNo = 0;
    	while( inputFlag == false ) {
    		try {
    			System.out.print("Enter the room number: ");
    			roomNo = Integer.parseInt(kbd.nextLine());
    			inputFlag = true;
    		} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    			System.out.println("Invalid integer! Please try again.");
    			inputFlag = false;
    	}// end of while
    	System.out.print("Enter the case: ");
    	String Case = kbd.nextLine();
    	System.out.print("Enter the sentence: ");
    	String sentence = kbd.nextLine();
    	String valid = "RD";
    	String status = "";
    	do {
    	System.out.print("Enter the status([R]eleased/[D]etained): ");
    	status = kbd.nextLine();
    	if(valid.indexOf(status) == -1)
    		System.out.println("Invalid choice! please input UpperCase R or D only");
    	}while(valid.indexOf(status) == -1);

    	JailIntern j = new JailIntern(list[x].detaineeNo, list[x].name, list[x].roomNo, list[x].Case, list[x].sentence, list[x].status);

    	list[x] = j;
    	return j;

    }// end of readInterns method

	 * checkInside method checks if the text file
	 * is empty and if it is empty, it will put
	 * the number 1 which is the starting number.
	 * And if there is already a record, it will just
	 * replace the current count of jail intern records
	public void checkInside(int number) throws Exception {
		String count;
		if ( scan.hasNextLine() == false ) {
			count = Integer.toString(number);
			FileWriter out = new FileWriter("JailInternRecords.txt", true);
			BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(out);
			writer.write(count);// stores/appends data into the file
		} else {
			String currentCount = scan.nextLine();
			int newCount = number+(Integer.parseInt(currentCount));
			String newCountString = Integer.toString(newCount);
			File file = new File("JailInternRecords.txt");
			BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
			String line = "", oldtext = "";
			while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
				oldtext += line + "\r\n";

			String newtext = oldtext.replaceAll(currentCount, newCountString);// to replace the current number of the records
			FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("JailInternRecords.txt");// will be written on the text file
			writer.close();// to close the text file
	}// end of checkInside method

	 * enter method fixes the placing
	 * of the records to avoid space and
	 * enter disorders
	public String enter() {
		String en;
		if ( scan.hasNextLine() == false ) {
			en = "\r\n";
		} else {
			en = "";
		return en;
	}// end of enter method

	 * shows the jail intern records in original order
	 * or any sorted methods
	private void showJailInterns(JailIntern[] s){
		if ( scan.hasNextLine() == false ) {
			System.out.println("\nThe text file is empty.");
			System.out.println("You should store jail intern records first.");
		} else {
			for (int x=0; x<s.length; x++) {
			System.out.println(s[x]);// toString() method is called automatically
	}// end of showJailInterns method

	private JailIntern[] copyArray(JailIntern[] source){
		JailIntern[] copiedArray = new JailIntern[source.length];
		for (int x=0; x<source.length; x++){
			JailIntern sCopy = new JailIntern(source[x].getDetaineeNo(), source[x].getName(),source[x].getRoomNumber(),source[x].getCase(), source[x].getSentence(), source[x].getStatus());
			copiedArray[x] = sCopy;
		return copiedArray;
	}// end of copyArray method

	 * this method sorts the JailIntern records
	 * based on their names
	private JailIntern[] sortJailInternsAccordingToNames(JailIntern[] array){
		JailIntern[] s = copyArray(array);
		int minIndex=0;
		for (int x=0; x < s.length-1; x++){
			minIndex = x;
			for (int y=x+1; y<s.length; y++)
				if (s[minIndex].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(s[y].getName())>0)
				minIndex = y;
				if (minIndex != x){
					JailIntern temp = s[x];
					s[x] = s[minIndex];
					s[minIndex] = temp;
				}//end of if
		}// end of first for loop
		return s;
	}// end of sortJailInternsAccordingToNames method

	 * sortJailInternsAccordingToRooms method will sort
	 * jail intern records based on room numbers
	private JailIntern[] sortJailInternsAccordingToRoomNumbers(JailIntern[] array){
		JailIntern[] s = copyArray(array);
		int minIndex=0;
		for (int x=0; x < s.length-1; x++){
			minIndex = x;
			for (int y=x+1; y<s.length; y++)
			if (s[minIndex].getRoomNumber()>(s[y].getRoomNumber()))
			minIndex = y;

			if (minIndex != x){
				JailIntern temp = s[x];
				s[x] = s[minIndex];
				s[minIndex] = temp;
		}// end of first for
		return s;
	}// end of sortJailInternsAccordingToRooms method

	 * checkEmpty method checks if the text file is empty.
	 * if empty, it will set n to 0
	public int checkEmpty() {
		int n;
		if ( scan.hasNextLine() == false ) {
			n = 0;
		} else {
			n = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());
		return n;
	}// end checkEmpty method

	 * this method finds if the name of the jail intern
	 * is in the database and returns it to true or false
	private boolean isFound(JailIntern[] s, String nameToSearch){
		boolean found = false;
		for (int x=0; x<s.length && !found; x++){
			if (s[x].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(nameToSearch))
			found = true;
		return found;
	}// end of isFound method

}// end of JailInternArithmetic Class

and here's the other class

public class JailIntern {

	//These are the data members
	public String detaineeNo;
	public String name;
	public int roomNumber;
	public String Case;
	public String sentence;
	public String status;

    // Constructor
    public JailIntern(String detaineeNo, String name, int roomNumber, String Case, String sentence, String status) {
    	this.detaineeNo = detaineeNo;
    	this.name = name;
    	this.roomNumber = roomNumber;
    	this.Case = Case;
    	this.sentence = sentence;
    	this.status = status;

	// Getter/Accessor methods
	public String getDetaineeNo(){
		return detaineeNo;

	public String getName(){
		return name;

	public int getRoomNumber(){
		return roomNumber;

	public String getCase(){
		return Case;

	public String getSentence(){
		return sentence;

	public String getStatus() {
		return status;

	// Setter/Mutator methods
	public void setDetaineeNo(String dN){
		detaineeNo = dN;

	public void setName(String n){
		name = n;

	public void setRoomNumber(int rN){
		roomNumber = rN;

	public void setCase(String c){
		Case = c;

	public void setSentence(String s){
		sentence = s;

	public void setStatus(String st) {
		status = st;

	// Prints the result
	public String toString(){

    	return  (detaineeNo + ", " + name + ", " + roomNumber + ", "+ Case + ", " + sentence + ", " + status);

}// end of JailIntern class

and there's an empty text file that is together with the 2 programs.

I want to change the program and output should be like this:

What does the current output look like?
What is the difference between what the program does now and what you want it to look like? Please be very specific in describing the differences.

the output should be like this

How many jail interns will be stored?

For Jail intern 1:

Enter the detainee number:

Enter the name:

Enter the room number:

Enter the case:

Enter the sentence:

Enter the status([R]eleased/[D]etained):

For Jail intern 2:

Enter the detainee number:

Enter the name:

Enter the room number:

Enter the case:

Enter the sentence:

Enter the status([R]eleased/[D]etained):

sorry the main class on top was the program I edited here's the original one:

 * @Midterm Activity 3 Group Project
 * @Group 5
 * @Jan.18,2012
 * @Jail Interns Record Organizer
 * @Leader:
 *  - Umali, John Michael F.
 * @Members:
 *  - Albano, Pastor Jr. B.
 *  - Pat, Lachica
 *  - Sta. Maria, Jerome S.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class JailInternFiles {
    static Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in);
    private Scanner reader,scan;
    private JailIntern[] intns;

	public JailInternFiles() throws IOException{
		// To read the input file
    	reader = new Scanner (new File("JailInternRecords.txt"));

    	// this scanner is here to open again the text file
    	// because the "reader" cannot be opened once it is closed
    	scan = new Scanner(new File("JailInternRecords.txt"));

	// Executes the chosen number
    public void run() throws Exception {
    	intns = new JailIntern[checkEmpty()];
    	int choice;
		do {
			menu();// displays the menu
			choice = readChoice();// reads the choice
			switch (choice) {
		    	case 1:
		    		System.out.println("Press enter to continue. . .");
				case 2:
					System.out.println("\nPress enter to continue. . .");
				case 3:
					System.out.println("\nPress enter to continue. . .");
				case 4:
					System.out.println("\nPress enter to continue. . .");
				case 5:
					System.out.print("Enter the name to be searched: ");
					String searchKey = kbd.nextLine();
					if (isFound(intns, searchKey)) {
						System.out.println(searchKey + " is in the database.");
					} else if (scan.hasNextLine() == false) {
						System.out.println("\nThe text file is empty.");
						System.out.println("You should store jail intern records first.");
					} else {
						System.out.println(searchKey + " is not in the database.");
					System.out.println("\nPress enter to continue. . .");
				case 6:
					if ( scan.hasNextLine() == false ) {
						System.out.println("\nThe text file is empty.");
						System.out.println("You should store jail intern records first.");
					} else {
						System.out.println("\nThe output file has been created successfully!");
					System.out.println("\nPress enter to continue. . .");
		    }// end of switch
		}while(choice != 7);
		System.out.println("\nThank you for using this program.");
    }// end of run method

	 * Read each of the records contained in the text file
     * and store them as elements of the array called intns
	public void readFile(){
    	int index = 0;
    	while (reader.hasNextLine()){
    		String[] temp = reader.nextLine().split(", ");
    		// Store the values to the following variables
    		String detaineeNo = temp[0];
    		String name = temp[1];
    		int roomNumber = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]);
    		String Case = temp[3];
    		String sentence = temp[4];
			String status = temp[5];

    		// Use the values in instantiating JailIntern object
    		intns[index++] = new JailIntern(detaineeNo, name, roomNumber, Case, sentence, status);

	 * this method prints the record
	 * into an ouput file
	public void printDataToFile(JailIntern[] s) throws IOException{
		// To output records in an output file: JailInternOutput.txt
		PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("JailInternRecordsOutput.txt"));
		for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++){


	// The main method
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
		JailInternFiles test = new JailInternFiles();
	}// end of main method

	// This is the menu
	private void menu() throws Exception{
		System.out.println("This program can store and organize data of Jail Intern records.");
		System.out.println("What do you want to do?");
		System.out.println("1.) Store new jail intern record");
		System.out.println("2.) Display records in original order");
		System.out.println("3.) Display sorted records based on names");
		System.out.println("4.) Display sorted records based on room numbers");
		System.out.println("5.) Check if a jail intern record is in the database");
		System.out.println("6.) Print data into a file.");
		System.out.println("7.) Quit");

	 * readChoice method asks the user to input what
	 * will be his choice in the categories
	public int readChoice() throws Exception{
		boolean inputFlag = false;
    	int choice=0;
    	do {
	    	try {
	    		System.out.print("Input the number of your choice: ");
	    		choice = Integer.parseInt(kbd.nextLine());
	    		inputFlag = true;
	    	} catch(Exception e) {
	    		inputFlag = false;
	    	if ( choice < 1 || choice > 7 ) {
				System.out.println("\nInvalid input! You can only choose from 1 to 7 only.");
				System.out.println("\nPress enter to continue. . .");
				inputFlag = false;
		}while( inputFlag = false );
    	return choice;
    }// end of readChoice method

	 * storeJailIntern method asks the user
	 * how many Jail Interns will be save and
	 * stores it in the text file
    public void storeJailIntern() throws Exception{
    	JailIntern[] list;
    	int count;
		do {
	    	System.out.print("How many jail interns will be stored? ");
	    	count = Integer.parseInt(kbd.nextLine());
			list = new JailIntern[count];
			String enter = enter();
			for ( int x = 0 ; x < list.length ; x++ ) {
					System.out.println("\nFor Jail intern: " + (x+1) + ": ");
					if ( enter.compareToIgnoreCase("") == 0 && x >= 1 )
						enter = "\r\n";

					FileWriter out = new FileWriter("JailInternRecords.txt", true);
					BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(out);
					writer.write(enter + (list[x] = readInterns()));// stores/appends data into the file
			}// end of for
			if ( count > 0 ) {
				System.out.println((count == 1 ? count + " new jail intern record " : count + " new jail intern records ")+"has been successfully saved!");
			System.out.println(count <= 0 ? "You should enter one or more!" : "");// prints out if count is less than or equal to zero
		}while(count == 0);

	}// end of storeJailIntern method

	 * readInterns method will ask the information
	 * of a certain jail intern
    public static JailIntern readInterns() throws IOException{
    	boolean inputFlag = false;
    	System.out.print("Enter the detainee number: ");
    	String detaineeNo = kbd.nextLine();
    	System.out.print("Enter the name: ");
    	String name = kbd.nextLine();
    	int roomNo = 0;
    	while( inputFlag == false ) {
    		try {
    			System.out.print("Enter the room number: ");
    			roomNo = Integer.parseInt(kbd.nextLine());
    			inputFlag = true;
    		} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    			System.out.println("Invalid integer! Please try again.");
    			inputFlag = false;
    	}// end of while
    	System.out.print("Enter the case: ");
    	String Case = kbd.nextLine();
    	System.out.print("Enter the sentence: ");
    	String sentence = kbd.nextLine();
    	String valid = "RD";
    	String status = "";
    	do {
    	System.out.print("Enter the status([R]eleased/[D]etained): ");
    	status = kbd.nextLine();
    	if(valid.indexOf(status) == -1)
    		System.out.println("Invalid choice! please input UpperCase R or D only");
    	}while(valid.indexOf(status) == -1);

    	JailIntern j = new JailIntern(detaineeNo, name, roomNo, Case, sentence, status);
    	return j;
    }// end of readInterns method

	 * checkInside method checks if the text file
	 * is empty and if it is empty, it will put
	 * the number 1 which is the starting number.
	 * And if there is already a record, it will just
	 * replace the current count of jail intern records
	public void checkInside(int number) throws Exception {
		String count;
		if ( scan.hasNextLine() == false ) {
			count = Integer.toString(number);
			FileWriter out = new FileWriter("JailInternRecords.txt", true);
			BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(out);
			writer.write(count);// stores/appends data into the file
		} else {
			String currentCount = scan.nextLine();
			int newCount = number+(Integer.parseInt(currentCount));
			String newCountString = Integer.toString(newCount);
			File file = new File("JailInternRecords.txt");
			BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
			String line = "", oldtext = "";
			while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
				oldtext += line + "\r\n";

			String newtext = oldtext.replaceAll(currentCount, newCountString);// to replace the current number of the records
			FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("JailInternRecords.txt");// will be written on the text file
			writer.close();// to close the text file
	}// end of checkInside method

	 * enter method fixes the placing
	 * of the records to avoid space and
	 * enter disorders
	public String enter() {
		String en;
		if ( scan.hasNextLine() == false ) {
			en = "\r\n";
		} else {
			en = "";
		return en;
	}// end of enter method

	 * shows the jail intern records in original order
	 * or any sorted methods
	private void showJailInterns(JailIntern[] s){
		if ( scan.hasNextLine() == false ) {
			System.out.println("\nThe text file is empty.");
			System.out.println("You should store jail intern records first.");
		} else {
			for (int x=0; x<s.length; x++) {
			System.out.println(s[x]);// toString() method is called automatically
	}// end of showJailInterns method

	private JailIntern[] copyArray(JailIntern[] source){
		JailIntern[] copiedArray = new JailIntern[source.length];
		for (int x=0; x<source.length; x++){
			JailIntern sCopy = new JailIntern(source[x].getDetaineeNo(), source[x].getName(),source[x].getRoomNumber(),source[x].getCase(), source[x].getSentence(), source[x].getStatus());
			copiedArray[x] = sCopy;
		return copiedArray;
	}// end of copyArray method

	 * this method sorts the JailIntern records
	 * based on their names
	private JailIntern[] sortJailInternsAccordingToNames(JailIntern[] array){
		JailIntern[] s = copyArray(array);
		int minIndex=0;
		for (int x=0; x < s.length-1; x++){
			minIndex = x;
			for (int y=x+1; y<s.length; y++)
				if (s[minIndex].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(s[y].getName())>0)
				minIndex = y;
				if (minIndex != x){
					JailIntern temp = s[x];
					s[x] = s[minIndex];
					s[minIndex] = temp;
				}//end of if
		}// end of first for loop
		return s;
	}// end of sortJailInternsAccordingToNames method

	 * sortJailInternsAccordingToRooms method will sort
	 * jail intern records based on room numbers
	private JailIntern[] sortJailInternsAccordingToRoomNumbers(JailIntern[] array){
		JailIntern[] s = copyArray(array);
		int minIndex=0;
		for (int x=0; x < s.length-1; x++){
			minIndex = x;
			for (int y=x+1; y<s.length; y++)
			if (s[minIndex].getRoomNumber()>(s[y].getRoomNumber()))
			minIndex = y;

			if (minIndex != x){
				JailIntern temp = s[x];
				s[x] = s[minIndex];
				s[minIndex] = temp;
		}// end of first for
		return s;
	}// end of sortJailInternsAccordingToRooms method

	 * checkEmpty method checks if the text file is empty.
	 * if empty, it will set n to 0
	public int checkEmpty() {
		int n;
		if ( scan.hasNextLine() == false ) {
			n = 0;
		} else {
			n = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());
		return n;
	}// end checkEmpty method

	 * this method finds if the name of the jail intern
	 * is in the database and returns it to true or false
	private boolean isFound(JailIntern[] s, String nameToSearch){
		boolean found = false;
		for (int x=0; x<s.length && !found; x++){
			if (s[x].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(nameToSearch))
			found = true;
		return found;
	}// end of isFound method

}// end of JailInternArithmetic Class

the difference is instead of making an array of jail interns, I want it to change of making it an array of jail rooms and each array should ask about how many inmates per jail room and their corresponding information just like in the program and the output I did on my first of my post..
Thank you!

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