Hi, I currently have a legacy application wrote in java and am trying to develop a new updated version of the application. The application relies on inputs from encrypted text files, the only thing is i dont know the type of encryption used in the old application. Is there any way i can go about determining the type of encryption and then brute forcing it? The company that developed the encryption package no longer exists so its obviously impossible to get anywhere that way?
"ḇ踿៤郣懁黐্球變鎸䷍級庨苢ꎠ쵆聡赒쪝㧄Ń妊筦欢ὂ☜㍯힝㩙ᖏ鐮纨Ἰд㌛ꔆ趞搣權ᖂ멉◫혟䨺娼䀚旳몒㐉Ⓟ溄抳齮咣肈౬虹蝽ⶬॴꂺꪛ䅿儊걧杭츶事谐ॷ鴞叭⣦╆잂Ӯ纴褯쨄䍼䇿춆趡学쐪益难뢺ྡྷ鲾꜡헼䞚犲㬳࿓쨜搘᪰绠䯆龪䜋록蛇䵃砬럲弓ِἚᡰꔽ直迢绐䞚ꆅ黇출苅蕹Ϟ铀蜗鎅撑ጝ䝆윯뚕踁⺈ϧ徲ͪ⮛ᡀ녃ꎷⳡ呿瓘⾟졦킾⫧ꔊਘ똽뎟뢱ᴰᾍ娌ↀ캖毅咻횧⹔発Ὗ噧鶁籪柍㶠ꍈኬ钎ꖉ䬷Ↄ鴾俑乴" Heres a preview to the encrypted code, the length of each file changes and the symbols/characters used also differ? Any suggestions are much appreciated.