I've been faced with this problem may be you could help?

[B]class[/B] CalculatorObject : [B]public[/B] TDialog 
		StateType CurrentMode;	
		[B]char[/B] Operator;							

		[B]char[/B] DisplayBuffer[DisplayPlusSign];   
		[B]BOOL[/B] Negative;							
		[B]BOOL[/B] InputIsADigit([B]char[/B]* input);       
		[B]double[/B] Operand;							
		TBrush CalcBackground;	.....

I need to change char DisplayBuffer into a character pointer instead of a character array.

Many Thanx

have you tried this? I guess you already know that you will have to allocate memory for that buffer before using it -- yes??

char*  DisplayBuffer;

Yeh! thanx. I need to change the definition of DisplayBuffer to allow values to be assigned to it.

>>I need to change the definition of DisplayBuffer to allow values to be assigned to it.

you don't have to make it a pointer as I posted, just copy whatever string you want into it.

char DisplayBuffer[255];

strcpy(DisplayBuffer,"Hello World");
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