How can I
#1 explode a piece of a pie chart?
#2 Write text inside a piece of a pie chart?
I'm using MSchart and VB6
Is there any source code out there to do
these without MSchart. That is using the Circle
I can make the pie chart using the circle but need to know how to
explode/write text.

What exactly you mean by explode a piece of a pie chart ?

Imagine you're at the Pizza Store and a fresh pie is taken out of the oven. You say "one piece,please." You watch as one piece is cut (exploded/removed). The piece is not in the pie anymore but just a bit outside.

That type of chart is displayed if the chart type is Exploded pie 3d chart. I am not sure if the chart control inbuilt to Vb 6.0 has that type support.

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