On windows, i don't see a maximum button on my JDialogs and this is fine, but on a Mac I have this dialog that people can keep up and use other windows, but you can also maximize a dialog on a mac apparently. There is a maximum button. At a point in the program I need to know if the dialog is maximized or not. I tried isMaximumSizeSet() seeing if it was true ( this inherited from JComponent), but my routine still executes which means to me it's not the right call for this. How do i tell if the dialog is maximized on a mac.
My code is
{ myfirstlist.notontop.setSelected(true);
It should return and not run the code, but it acts like it can't tell the user has maximized it.
This is all working with similar code, when the window is a JInternalFrame. There is have same code just about but use isMaximum(). But that method is for JInternalFrame.