I'm trying to make encryption program but when i run the program it gives me this error:

Debug Assertion Failed!

Program:...nts\visual studio 2010\projects\encrypter\debug\encrypter.exe

File:c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring


Expression: string subscript out of range

For information on how your program can cause assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "windows.h"
using namespace std;
void encrypt(string words);

int main()
	string Emptywords; 
	cout << "What shall i encrypt?" << endl;
	cin >> Emptywords;
	encrypt(Emptywords);  // calling encryption funtion and passing  user input


void encrypt(string words)
	char A [100];  //char array for letters that user typed in
	char B [100];  //char array for encrypted letters
	string C;      //string what will contain in the end encrypted message

	for (int n=0;n<=99 ;)  // this for loop is going to encrypt the letters 
		A[n] = words[n];   // words[n] = checking for what letters user entered
		switch( A[n] )     // switch statement to encrypt the letter that a has
		case 'a':
			B[n] = 'c';
		case 'b':
			B[n] = 'd';
		case 'c':
			B[n] = 'e';
		case 'd':
			B[n] = 'g';
		case 'e':
			B[n] = 'j';
                case 'f':
			B[n] = 'l';
		case 'g':
			B[n] = 'รถ';
		case 'h':
			B[n] = 'a';
		case 'i':
			B[n] = 'k';
		case 'j':
			B[n] = 'y';
		n++; // increasing n by 1

		for(int n = 0; n <= 10  ;) // for loop that will but the message inside C
		stringstream ss;
		string encrypt;
		ss << B[n];
		if(n = 99)
			ss >> encrypt;
			string C = encrypt;
         n++; // increasing n by 1

   cout << C << endl; // showing the result to the user



The error message comes right after i type in couple letters and press enter and yes i have checked that they are all letters that the program knows

is there a rule that im not aware?

i have tried to figure out what is the problem with out any success for 3 hours now

Pardon my imperfect english.
i wish someone who is wiser than me could tell me what am i doing wrong
thanks in advance

>> for (int n=0;n<=99 ;)

What makes you think there will be 99 characters in the string? You should use this: for(int n = 0; n < words.size(); ) Also not that you should use <, not <=

>> for (int n=0;n<=99 ;)

What makes you think there will be 99 characters in the string? You should use this: for(int n = 0; n < words.size(); ) Also not that you should use <, not <=

thank you it worked

I'm guessing this is a homework assignment?

I'm guessing this is a homework assignment?

I wish it would be.. well perhaps in future... but for now I'm only programming for fun:twisted:

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