So I have a function called start() and it has multiple if statements and I want all of them to run.
def start():
print """You have just woken up from a very long nap.
You find yourself in a dimly lit cave.
There is a patch of light in the far distance above you.
There is a torch on the wall lighting the immediate area.
There are dark passage ways in all directions."""
decision = raw_input(prompt)
if decision == "take torch":
print "You took the torch."
# if you don't take the torch, you can't go anywhere
elif decision == "north" or "east" or "west" or "south" and not 'torch' in inventory:
print "It is too dark to see in the tunnel."
# python skips this.
if decision == "north" and 'torch' in inventory:
Is there a way to make python run through that if statement even if the first statement it encounters is true?
EDIT: Okay, that was dumb. I should've put another raw_input to take in the user's input.