I have problem on my program. Can anyone help me to fix it and explain to me a little bit?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

void displayResult();
void welcomeMessage();
void game();

int main()
	displayResult(frequency, expected, intRepeats);

} // end main

void welcomemessage
	cout << "Dice Rolling Simulation\n\n" 
		 << "This program allows you to simulate the rolling of a pair of dice.\n" << endl; 

void game()
	unsigned long x;										
	unsigned long modulus = 2147483647;  
	unsigned long multiplies = 16807;						
	unsigned long inciement = 0;							 
	unsigned long intSeeds;		 
	float num;		 
	int intRepeats, roll;	 
	int roll_1, roll_2;	 

	cout << "Enter random number seed: ";		 
	cin >> intSeeds; 
	cout << "Enter the number of rolls: ";		 
	cin >> intRepeats;  
	x = intSeeds;											//x is the PRN, the first user selected  
	for (int i = 0; i < intRepeats; i++)	 
		x = ((multiplies * x) + inciement) % modulus;	 
		num = x / float (modulus);  
		roll_1 = int (num * 6) +1;						

		x = ((multiplies * x) + inciement) % modulus; 
		num = x / float (modulus);  
		roll_2 = int (num * 6) +1;	

		roll = roll_1 + roll_2;								 
	return 0;

void displayResult(const int arraySize, double frequency[], double expected[], int intRepeats, double exptRoll[])
	const int arraySize = 13;								
	double frequency[arraySize] = { 0 };					
	double expected[arraySize] = {0, 0, 2.8, 5.6,			
					8.3, 11.1, 13.9,		
					16.7, 13.9, 11.1, 
					8.3, 5.6, 2.8}; 

	double exptRoll [arraySize] = {0,  1.0/36, 2.0/36.0,		
                                        3.0/36.0, 4.0/36.0,			
					5.0/36.0, 6.0/36.0, 
					5.0/36.0, 4.0/36.0, 
					3.0/36.0, 2.0/36.0, 

	cout << "\nGenerating rolls... \n " << endl;
	cout << "\nFinal statistics: \n " << endl;			

	//Output the results of the dice rolling (sum, frequency, actual percent and expected rolls, expected percent)  
	cout << ""  << endl;												
	cout << "Point" << setw(17) << "Number of Rolls" << setw(17) << "Actual Percent" 
					<< setw(17) << "Expected Rolls" << setw(17) << "Expected Percent" << endl;

	for (int value = 2; value < arraySize; value++)										//begin generating the table
		cout << setw(5) << value  ;			
		cout << setw(17) << static_cast<int>(frequency[value]) ;
		cout << setw(16) << ((frequency[value]/intRepeats)*100) << "%" ;
		cout << setw(17) <<  (int)(exptRoll[value-1] * intRepeats);	
		cout << setw(16) << setprecision (3) << expected[value]<< "%"  << endl;	


So whats' the problem?

So whats' the problem?

trying to put three functions into the main

Where is your arguments defined? frequency, expected, intRepeats?

displayResult(frequency, expected, intRepeats);

Where is your arguments defined? frequency, expected, intRepeats?

displayResult(frequency, expected, intRepeats);

I declare all the variables in their functions. I not sure I do the right way or not.

If you use the variable in global scope then you dont have to pass anything to the function,

your function declaration had no parameters,, and the function itself has 4.

The function name was misspelled welcomemessage instead of welcomeMessage
and needed () at the end


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

void displayResult();
void welcomeMessage();
void game();

const int arraySize = 13;
double frequency[arraySize];					
double expected[arraySize] = {0, 0, 2.8, 5.6,			
					8.3, 11.1, 13.9,		
					16.7, 13.9, 11.1, 
					8.3, 5.6, 2.8}; 

double exptRoll [arraySize] = {	0,  1.0/36, 2.0/36.0,		
								3.0/36.0, 4.0/36.0,			
								5.0/36.0, 6.0/36.0, 
								5.0/36.0, 4.0/36.0, 
								3.0/36.0, 2.0/36.0, 

int main()
	return 0;

} // end main

void welcomeMessage()
	cout << "Dice Rolling Simulation\n\n" 
		 << "This program allows you to simulate the rolling of a pair of dice.\n" << endl; 

void game()
	unsigned long x;										
	unsigned long modulus = 2147483647;  
	unsigned long multiplies = 16807;						
	unsigned long inciement = 0;							 
	unsigned long intSeeds;		 
	float num;		 
	int intRepeats, roll;	 
	int roll_1, roll_2;	 

	cout << "Enter random number seed: ";		 
	cin >> intSeeds; 
	cout << "Enter the number of rolls: ";		 
	cin >> intRepeats;  
	x = intSeeds;											//x is the PRN, the first user selected  
	for (int i = 0; i < intRepeats; i++)	 
		x = ((multiplies * x) + inciement) % modulus;	 
		num = x / float (modulus);  
		roll_1 = int (num * 6) +1;						

		x = ((multiplies * x) + inciement) % modulus; 
		num = x / float (modulus);  
		roll_2 = int (num * 6) +1;	

		roll = roll_1 + roll_2;								 

void displayResult()
	int intRepeats = 1;			
	cout << "\nGenerating rolls... \n " << endl;
	cout << "\nFinal statistics: \n " << endl;			

	//Output the results of the dice rolling (sum, frequency, actual percent and expected rolls, expected percent)  
	cout << ""  << endl;												
	cout << "Point" << setw(17) << "Number of Rolls" << setw(17) << "Actual Percent" 
					<< setw(17) << "Expected Rolls" << setw(17) << "Expected Percent" << endl;

	for (int value = 2; value < arraySize; value++)										//begin generating the table
		cout << setw(5) << value  ;			
		cout << setw(17) << static_cast<int>(frequency[value]) ;
		cout << setw(16) << ((frequency[value]/intRepeats)*100) << "%" ;
		cout << setw(17) <<  (int)(exptRoll[value-1] * intRepeats);	
		cout << setw(16) << setprecision (3) << expected[value]<< "%"  << endl;	


is what you like I think,

int main()
	return 0;

} // end main
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