I have made a currency converter and have converted a made up currency to UK Sterling. I have made it so the amount of UK Sterling appears like '2.32' but I want to have the £ sign before the amount of money to show it is now in UK Sterling. Please help!

Use the CHR function to specify special characters like so:

Me.Text1.Text = Chr(163) & "2.32"

In order to find out what the characters are, just use the Windows Character Map utility, find the character you want, click on it and look in the status bar at the bottom.

Use the CHR function to specify special characters like so:

Me.Text1.Text = Chr(163) & "2.32"

In order to find out what the characters are, just use the Windows Character Map utility, find the character you want, click on it and look in the status bar at the bottom.

Thank you that worked! Much appreciated

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