
My program is to add images to database using class GUI in java. Ang i can not get into a code that can insert into database

I'am using this codes:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent;
import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;

public class DForm extends JInternalFrame implements ItemListener,MouseListener,ActionListener

    private JPanel pBook = new JPanel ();
    private Dimension d = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();

    private JLabel lbCategory,lbls;
    private JTextField txts,txtid;

    private Connection con=null;
    private Statement st=null;
    private ResultSet rs=null;
    private int resp;

    private JButton btsearch,btdelete;

    private JScrollPane scroller;
    private JTable table;   //Table for Displaying Records.
//  private Statement st;   //Statement for Getting the Required Table.

    private int rec = 0;
    private int total = 0;

    private String rowRec[][];  //String Type Array use to Load Records into File.
//  private Connection con=null;

    //Constructor of Class.

    public DForm () {

        super("Delete Form");
        setSize (500, 330);

        //Setting Panel's Layout.

        pBook.setLayout (null);

        getRecords ("");    //Getting Records.

        table = makeTable ();           //Creating Table.
        scroller = new JScrollPane (table); //Adding Table to ScrollPane.
        scroller.setBounds (20, 50, 460, 200);  //Aligning ScrollPane.

        //Setting the Form's Labels.

        lbCategory = new JLabel ("Search by Operetor");
        lbCategory.setForeground (Color.black);
        lbCategory.setBounds (20, 18, 275, 25);

        //Setting the Form's ComboBox.

        lbls = new JLabel(" ");

        txts= new JTextField();

        txtid= new JTextField();

        btdelete = new JButton("Delete");
        btdelete.setToolTipText ("Next");

        DocumentListener documentListener = new DocumentListener()
        public void changedUpdate (DocumentEvent documentEvent)
                rec = 0;
                total = 0;
                getRecords (txts.getText());
                scroller.getViewport().remove (table);
                scroller.getViewport().add (makeTable ());

        public void insertUpdate (DocumentEvent documentEvent)
                rec = 0;
                total = 0;
                getRecords (txts.getText());
                scroller.getViewport().remove (table);
                scroller.getViewport().add (makeTable ());

        public void removeUpdate (DocumentEvent documentEvent)
                rec = 0;
                total = 0;
                getRecords (txts.getText());
                scroller.getViewport().remove (table);
                scroller.getViewport().add (makeTable ());


        //Adding All the Controls in Panel.

        btsearch = new JButton("Search");
        btsearch.setBounds(185, 18, 75, 25);

        pBook.add (lbCategory);
        pBook.add (scroller);
        pBook.add (lbls);
        pBook.add (txts);
        pBook.add (btdelete);
        pBook.add (txtid);

        //Adding Panel to the Form.

        getContentPane().add (pBook);

        setVisible (true);


    //Function Perform By the ComboBox of Form.

    public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent e) {

        rec = 0;
        total = 0;
        getRecords ("");    //Getting Records.
        scroller.getViewport().remove (table);
        scroller.getViewport().add (makeTable ());


    //Function use to Getting Records.

    private void getRecords (String bb) {

        String records[][] = new String [500][5];       //String Type Array use to Load Records From Table.

        try {   //SELECT Query to Retrieve Records From Table.
            DataConnection condb = new DataConnection();
            Statement st = con.createStatement();

            String q = "SELECT * FROM reg where owner Like '%" +bb+ "%' ORDER By engine;";

            ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery (q);     //Running Query.

            while (rs.next ()) {
                records[rec][0] = "" + rs.getString ("engine");
                records[rec][1] = rs.getString ("owner");
                records[rec][2] = rs.getString ("address");
                records[rec][3] = "" + rs.getString ("made");
                records[rec][4] = rs.getString ("body");

            total = rec;
            rowRec = new String [total][5];

            if (total == 0) {
            else {
                for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
                    rowRec[i][0] =  records[i][0];
                    rowRec[i][1] =  records[i][1];
                    rowRec[i][2] =  records[i][2];
                    rowRec[i][3] =  records[i][3];
                    rowRec[i][4] =  records[i][4];
        catch (Exception sqlEx) { }


    //Function to Create the Table and Add Data to Show.

    private JTable makeTable () {

        //String Array For Table Columns.
        String colsName[] = {"Engine No.", "Operator", "Address", "Made","Body Type"};

        table = new JTable (rowRec, colsName) {
            public boolean isCellEditable (int iRows, int iCols) {
                return false;   //Disable All Columns of Table.

        table.setRowHeight (20);    //Set Rows Height.

        return table;


        public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e)
                int row=table.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint());
                int col=table.columnAtPoint(e.getPoint());

                String tid="";

                tid="" + table.getModel().getValueAt(row,0);


        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                    Object obj = ae.getSource();

                    if (obj == btdelete)
                    resp = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"Are yOu sUre you want to delete the data where no. "+txtid.getText()+"?","Confirmation",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
                            if (resp == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)

                                DataConnection conn= new DataConnection();
                                Connection con= conn.dbConnect("jdbc:mysql://");
                                Statement st=con.createStatement();

                                String sql="delete from reg where engine='"+txtid.getText()+"';";
                                int rs=st.executeUpdate(sql);
                                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Record Delete");
                                    rec = 0;
                                    total = 0;
                                    getRecords (txts.getText());
                                    scroller.getViewport().remove (table);
                                    scroller.getViewport().add (makeTable ());

                                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error in Saving ","Error RecordDelete",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);


                                catch(Exception e)




i want to open a browse file for me to add my images to database

Here is my code for file open

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
//panel used to draw image on
public class ImagePanel extends JFrame
//path of image
private String path;

//image object
private Image img;

public ImagePanel(String path) throws IOException
//save path
this.path = path;

//load image
img = ImageIO.read(new File(path));


//override paint method of panel
public void paint(Graphics g)
//draw the image
if( img != null)
g.drawImage(img,0,0, this);


//example of using image panel
class ImageFrame
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException


//create frame
JFrame f = new JFrame();

//ask for image file
JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();

//create panel with selected file
ImagePanel panel = new ImagePanel( chooser.getSelectedFile().getPath() );

//add panel to pane

//show frame
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println ( "Please verify that you selected a valid image file");

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