I have a task to perform which all to do with the smurfs, reading from a file and doing some simple stuff to it. The last part I need to do is print out a list of all smurfs and their corresponding role in alphabetical order. I am hoping I can do this using the qsort function but this is giving a segmentation fault. I have attached my code below:
#include <stdio.h> /*Required for file operations*/
#include <string.h> /*Required for strlen etc*/
#include <stdlib.h> /*Required for Malloc,Free, etc.*/
FILE* fp; /*Declare the file pointer*/
char str_read[50];
char temp_array[6][50];
int i;
char current[20];
typedef struct
char name[20];
char gender[20];
int age;
char role[20];
char skill[20];
char speciality[20];
SMURF *village = NULL;
SMURF *temp_sort = NULL;
int num_elements = 0; /*This keeps track of the number of elements used i.e. total number of smurfs*/
int num_allocated = 0; /*This keeps track of how large the array is*/
int countArray[5];
int smurfCount;
/*-------------------------------End of declarations-------------------------------*/
/*-----------Function to remove white space (excess spaces and \n chars)-----------*/
void trim(char *s)
/*trim spaces and new lines from beginning of string*/
int i=0,j;
while((s[i]==' ')||(s[i]=='\n'))
/*trim spaces and new lines from end of string*/
i = strlen(s)-1;
while((s[i]==' ')||(s[i]=='\n')||(s[i]=='\r'))
/*-------------------------------End of trim function------------------------------*/
/*------------------Function to add a smurf to the village array-------------------*/
void addSmurfToVillage(currentSmurf, current_data, village)
int *currentSmurf;
char current_data[][50];
SMURF *village;
strncpy(village[*currentSmurf].name, current_data[0], 20);
strncpy(village[*currentSmurf].gender, current_data[1], 20);
village[*currentSmurf].age = atoi(current_data[2]);
strncpy(village[*currentSmurf].role, current_data[3], 20);
strncpy(village[*currentSmurf].skill, current_data[4], 20);
strncpy(village[*currentSmurf].speciality, current_data[5], 20);
/*-------------------------End of addSmurfToVillage function-----------------------*/
void freeVillage()
//function to free memory allocated for array village
int static cmpr(const void *a, const void *b)
SMURF * const *one = a;
SMURF * const *two = b;
return strcmp((*one)->name, (*two)->name);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])/*function main begins program execution*/
fp = fopen(argv[1], "r"); /*read file specified at run time from disk into memory, This assumes the only parameter is the filename*/
if( fp != NULL )
while( fgets( str_read, 50, fp ) != NULL)
for( i=0; i<6; i++ ) /*i increments to 6 as there are 6 pieces of info for each smurf (reads in one smurfs data)*/
char delimiter[] = ":";
char *token = NULL;
token = strtok( str_read, delimiter );
while( token != NULL )
if( strlen(token) > 0 )
strncpy( current, token, 20 ); /*ensures null is avoided*/
token = strtok( NULL, delimiter );
strcpy(temp_array[i], current);
fgets( str_read, 50, fp );
if(num_elements == 0)
village = (SMURF *)malloc(sizeof(SMURF));
void *_tmp = (SMURF *)realloc(village, (num_allocated * sizeof(SMURF)));
printf("ERROR: Couldnt realloc memory!\n");
village = (SMURF*)_tmp;
addSmurfToVillage(&num_elements, &temp_array, village);
qsort(village, num_elements, sizeof(SMURF), cmpr);
batchCount(&num_elements, village, &countArray);
printf("\nVillage Population: %d Smurfs\n", num_elements);
for( smurfCount = 0; smurfCount<num_elements; smurfCount++ )
printf("%s: %s\n", village[smurfCount].name, village[smurfCount].role);
printf("Cannot open the file\n");
return(0); /*Indicates the program ended sucessfully*/
I am running this on linux and reading in a text file with the data in.
The data is in the format below and is in a standard txt file if anyone wishes to test:
Name: Smurfette
Gender: Female
Age: 100
Role: Beautician
Skill: High
Specialty: FlowerPicking
Also if anyone has any tips to improve this code I would greatly appreciate them as i am new to C programming.