I am trying to read a file and display data. The data is bank transactions. I need to display the data from the file with a balance column added at the end keeping an accumulated balance of the deposits/transactions. I am having difficulties with the accumulator.
Additionally it will need to display an NSF when the balance goes below 0. I haven't focused terribly on that and plan to do so once I get the balance accumulator working.
Any help understanding what I am doing wrong would be greatly appreciated!!!
The data file:
02/03/2012 Initial_Deposit 2000
02/04/2012 Swinn_Super_Deluxe -660
02/06/2012 Swinn_Starlet -420
02/07/2012 Walmart_Slim -325
02/10/2012 Swinn_Tabgo_Tandem -770
02/11/2012 Suwanee_Tango_Tandem -660
02/13/2012 Deposit 5000
02/15/2012 Suwanee_Creek_11_Trek -730
02/20/2012 Cycles_ATL_12_Trek_Cpk -1210
02/23/2012 Cycles_ATL_11_Trek -1250
02/24/2012 Kmart_Special -250
02/25/2012 Deposit 4000
// BicycleSales.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Protoypes
void initialization(void);
void process(void);
void eoj(void);
void readIt(void);
void writeIt(void);
// Global Variables
ifstream inputFile;
char date[11];
char transaction[24];
float nsfFee = -15.00;
float transactionAmount;
float balance =+ transactionAmount;
bool b_eof;
// Main
int main()
while (b_eof==false)
return 0;
void initialization(void)
cout << " DATE TRANSACTION AMT BAL " << endl;
void process(void)
void eoj(void)
void readIt(void)
inputFile >> date >> transaction >> transactionAmount;
void writeIt(void)
//float balance =+ transactionAmount;
while (inputFile >> date >> transaction >> transactionAmount)
cout << setw(11) << date << setw(24) << transaction << setw(6) << transactionAmount << setw(6) << balance << endl;
if (balance<0.00)
cout << setw(11) << date << setw(24) << "NSF FEE" << setw(6) << nsfFee << setw(6) << balance + nsfFee << endl;
/*void accumulate(void)
if (balance<0.00)
cout << setw(11) << date << setw(24) << "NSF FEE" << setw(6) << nsfFee << setw(6) << balance + nsfFee << endl;