The program has no errors and when ran will show the logo, buttons but not the inventory data. I have been working on figuring out why it will not display the cd information with no luck. Could use some fresh eyes to look at this and help me figure out what I may have done wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The program is below:
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.*;
public final class Inventory1 extends JFrame
private JButton previousJButton;
private JButton nextJButton;
private JButton firstJButton;
private JButton lastJButton;
private JButton saveJButton;
private JButton addJButton;
private JButton deleteJButton;
private JButton modifyJButton;
private JTextArea display;
protected int currentProduct;
private static ArrayList<Cd> inventory = new ArrayList<>();
public Inventory1()
super("Cd's Inventory" );
// Set up main panel for cd information
JPanel mainpanel = new JPanel();
mainpanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainpanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
display = new JTextArea(10,60);
// Set up buttons
JPanel buttons = new JPanel();
buttons.setLayout(new BoxLayout( buttons, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
firstJButton = new JButton( "First" ); // Creates button "first"
currentProduct = 0;
firstJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
Inventory1.this.currentProduct = 0;
add( firstJButton ); // adds first to JFrame
previousJButton = new JButton ( "Previous" ); // Creates button "previous"
currentProduct = 0;
firstJButton.addActionListener ( new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent event )
if ( Inventory1.this.currentProduct < 0 ) Inventory1.this.currentProduct = Inventory1.inventory.size()-1;
add( previousJButton ); //adds previous to JFrame
nextJButton = new JButton( "Next" ); // Creates button "next"
currentProduct = 0;
nextJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
if ( Inventory1.this.currentProduct >= Inventory1.inventory.size()) Inventory1.this.currentProduct = 0;
add( nextJButton ); // adds next to JFrame
lastJButton = new JButton( "Last" ); // Creates button "last"
currentProduct = 0;
lastJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
Inventory1.this.currentProduct = Inventory1.inventory.size()-1;
add( lastJButton ); // adds last to JFrame
saveJButton = new JButton ( "Save" ); // Creates button "save"
saveJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
add( saveJButton );
addJButton = new JButton ( "Add Cd" ); // Creates button "Add Cd"
addJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent event )
String Artist = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Inventory1.this, "What is the Artist for the CD?");
int Stock = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog( Inventory1.this, "Number of CD's?"));
double Cost = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Inventory1.this, "What is the cost of the CD?"));
String Title = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Inventory1.this, "What is the title of the CD?");
while (Artist.length() < 100)
Artist += " ";
int num = 0;
for ( int a = 0; a < inventory.size(); a++ )
if ( inventory.get(a).getInvent1() > num)
num = inventory.get(a).getInvent1();
Cd cd = new Cd ( num + 1, Artist, Stock, Cost, Title);
currentProduct = inventory.size()-1;
add( addJButton );
modifyJButton = new JButton ( "Modify Cd" );
modifyJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent event )
Product p = inventory.get(currentProduct);
p.setInvent1(Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Inventory1.this, "What is the product number?", p.getInvent1())));
p.setCD1(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Inventory1.this, "What is the artist for the CD?", p.getCD1()));
p.setStock1(Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Inventory1.this, "How many CDs are in stock?", p.getStock1())));
p.setCost1(Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(Inventory1.this, "What is the cost of the CD?", p.getCost1())));
add( modifyJButton );
deleteJButton = new JButton ( "Delete Cd");
deleteJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event )
catch ( Exception except)
if ( currentProduct < 0 ) currentProduct = 0;
add( deleteJButton );
GUI logo = new GUI();
private void Inventory2()
// Information on the Cds used
Cd a = new Cd( 1, "10 Years", 6, 9.49, "10 Years");
Cd b = new Cd( 2, "System of a Down", 12, 9.99, "Hypnotize");
Cd c = new Cd( 3, "Trapt", 45, 11.47, "Trapt");
Cd d = new Cd( 4, "Social Distortion", 8, 7.99, "S L and R&R");
Cd e = new Cd( 5, "Seether", 15, 11.99, "Seether" );
// Adds the Cds to the array class
// Sorts the Cds
inventory = bubbleSort( inventory );
public void cdinvent()
cdinvent(inventory.get( currentProduct ), display);
catch (Exception except)
cdinvent( null, display);
private void cdinvent(Product p, JTextArea j)
if (p == null) return;
j.setText("Product Number\tArtist\tUnits in Stock\tPrice\tRestock Fee\tValue\tAlbum\n");
j.append(String.format("Total value of inventory: $%.2f\n", value()));
display = j;
public static double value() {
double value = 0.00;
for( int i = 0; i < inventory.size(); i++ ) {
value += inventory.get(i).total();
return value;
private ArrayList<Cd> bubbleSort(ArrayList<Cd> inventory) {
int b = inventory.size();
for( int sort = 1; sort < b; sort++ ) {
for( int i = 0; i < b - sort; i++ ) {
if (inventory.get(i).getCD1().compareToIgnoreCase( inventory.get(i + 1).getCD1()) > 0) {
Cd temp = inventory.get(i);
inventory.set(i, inventory.get( i + 1 ));
inventory.set( i + 1, temp );
} // End if
} // end if
} // end for loop
return inventory;
} // end sort
public void save()
public void save( boolean saved ) // Saves the file to the harddrive so it can be accessed later.
BufferedWriter write = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter("C:\\data\\inventory.dat"));
for ( int b = 0; b < inventory.size(); b++ )
Cd gui = inventory.get(b);
write.write( "Product number: " + gui.getInvent1() + "\n");
write.write( "Artist name: " + gui.getCD1() + "\n");
write.write( "CDs in stock: " + gui.getStock1() + "\n");
write.write( "Title of CD: " +gui.getName() + "\n");
write.write( "Cost of CD: " +gui.getCost1() + "\n");
write.write ( "Value of Inventory: " + + "\n");
write.write( "Restocking fee: " + gui.getRestockFee() + "\n");
write.write( "Value of Inventory: " + + "\n");
catch ( Exception except )
if ( saved )
new File( "C:\\data\\") .mkdir();
save( false );
public static void main(String[] args)
Inventory1 gui = new Inventory1();
System.out.println( inventory );
} // End Class Inventory 1
class Product {
private String CD;
private int stock;
private double cost;
private int invent;
// Four-argument constructor
public Product ( int invent, String CD, int stock, double cost )
this.invent = invent;
this.CD = CD;
this.stock = stock;
this.cost = cost;
} // End four-argument Product constructor
// Set Inventory Number
public void setInvent1( int invent )
this.invent = invent; // Should validate
} // End method SetInvent
//Return Inventory Number
public int getInvent1()
return invent;
} // End method getInvent1
// Set CD name
public void setCD1( String CD )
this.CD = CD; // Should validate
} // End method setCD
// Return CD name
public String getCD1()
return CD;
} // End method getCD
// Set the number of CDs in stock
public void setStock1( int stock )
this.stock = stock; // Should validate
} // End method setStock
// Return number of CDs in stock
public int getStock1()
return stock;
} // End method getStock
// Sets the cost for the CD
public void setCost1( double cost )
this.cost = cost; // Should validate
} // End method setCost
// Return cost for CD
public double getCost1()
return cost;
} // End method getCost1
// Determines what the total value of the CDs in the inventory
public double total()
return cost * stock;
} // End method total
public String toString()
return String.format("%-2s %-20s %4d %6.2f %8.2f ", invent, CD, stock, cost, total());
} // End Class Product
class Cd extends Product {
private String name;
public Cd(int invent, String CD, int stock, double cost, String name) {
super( invent, CD, stock, cost);
public double getRestockFee() {
return getStock1() * getCost1() * .05;
} // End method getRestockFee
public double total() {
return getStock1() * getCost1() + getRestockFee();
public void setName( String name1 ) {
name = name1;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String toString() {
String fee = String.format("$ %12.2f | ", getRestockFee() );
String Name = String.format( "%-10s", name );
return super.toString() + " | " + Name + " | " + fee;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class GUI extends JPanel
// Creates Dimentions for Logo
public static final int x_dia = 100;
public static final int y_dia = 100;
public static final int cdx_dia = 20;
public static final int cdy_dia = 20;
public static final int littlehole = x_dia + 40;
public static final int smallhole = y_dia + 40;
public GUI()
setPreferredSize(new Dimension( 200, 200 ));
public void paint(Graphics g)
super.paint(g); // Draw CD Logo
g.setColor( ); //draw cd
g.drawOval(x_dia, y_dia, 100, 100);
g.fillOval(x_dia, y_dia, 100, 100);
g.drawOval(littlehole, smallhole, 20, 20);
g.fillOval(littlehole, smallhole, 20, 20);
g.drawString("CD Inventory", 117, 125);