I am receiving the following error messages and I can't figure out why, I'm guessing there's just some syntax rule or something I am just unaware of... there errors are:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl validateWidgets(int &)" (?validateWidgets@@YAXAAH@Z) referenced in function "void __cdecl manager(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >)" (?manager@@YAXV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z)


error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl getInfo(int,double &,int &)" (?getInfo@@YAXHAANAAH@Z) referenced in function "void __cdecl tempWorker(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >)" (?tempWorker@@YAXV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z)

here's my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

void getInfo(int, double &, int &);
string getName();
void heading(string);
char menu(string);
void evaluateChoice(char, string);
void validateHours(double &);
void validateHours(int &);
void validateWidgets(int &);
void validateEmployees(int &);
void manager(string);
void tempWorker(string);
void ftWorker(string);
char addEmployee();
char restartApp();

int main() 
	char restart;
	char moreEmployees;
		string userName;
		userName = getName();
			char menuChoice = menu(userName);
			evaluateChoice(menuChoice, userName);
			moreEmployees = addEmployee();
		}while (moreEmployees == 'y' || moreEmployees == 'Y');
		restart = restartApp();
	}while (restart == 'y');
	return 0;

void validateWidget(int &widgets)
	if(widgets < 0 || widgets > 500)
			cout << "Invalid input. Please enter a positive number of no more than 500: ";
			cin >> widgets;			
		} while(widgets < 0 || widgets > 500);
void validateHours(double &hours)
		if(hours < 0 || hours > 60)
			cout << "Invalid input. Please enter a positive number of no more than 60: ";
			cin >> hours;			
		} while(hours < 0 || hours > 60);
void validateHours(int &hours)
		if(hours < 0 || hours > 60)
			cout << "Invalid input. Please enter a positive number of no more than 60: ";
			cin >> hours;			
		} while(hours < 0 || hours > 60);
void validateEmployees(int &numEmployees)
		if( numEmployees < 0 || numEmployees > 60)
			cout << "Invalid input. Please enter a number 1-4: ";
			cin >> numEmployees;			
		} while(numEmployees < 0 || numEmployees > 60);
void getInfo(int numEmployees, double &hours, double &totalWidgets)
	double tempHours, tempWidgets;
	for(int count = numEmployees; count > 0; count--)
		cout << "Enter the number of hours worked: ";
		cin >> tempHours;
		hours += tempHours;
		cout << "Enter the number of widgets sold: ";
		cin >> tempWidgets;
		totalWidgets += tempWidgets;
char addEmployee()
	char choice;
	cout << "Data for another employee? Y/N ";
	cin >> choice;
	while(choice != 'y' && choice != 'Y' && choice != 'n' && choice != 'N')
		cout << "Invalid. Enter only Y or N. Another employee? Y/N ";
		cin >> choice;
	return choice;

string getName() 
	char name[31];
	cout << "What is your name? ";
	cin.getline(name, 31);
	return name;

void heading(string userName)
	cout << endl << setw(35) << "Welcome to ASU Widget Shop\n" << setw(30) << "at the Tempe Campus\n";

char menu(string userName)
	char choice;
	cout << endl << setw(20) << userName << ", please choose" << endl << setw(34) << "the category for data entry.";
	cout << endl << endl << setw(28) << "A.\ta temporary employee";
	cout << endl << setw(28) << "B.\ta full-time employee";
	cout << endl << setw(17) << "C.\ta manager";
	cout << endl << "Enter a letter: ";
	cin >> choice;
	return choice;

void evaluateChoice(char menuChoice, string userName)
		switch (menuChoice)
		case 'a':
		case 'A':
		case 'b':
		case 'B':
		case 'c':
		case 'C':
			cout << "Invalid entry. Please enter A, B, or C: ";
			cin >> menuChoice;
	}while(menuChoice != 'A' && menuChoice != 'a' && menuChoice != 'B' && menuChoice != 'b' && menuChoice != 'C' && menuChoice != 'c');
void manager(string userName)
	const double wage = 12.00;
	const double widgetBonus = 0.02;
	const double vacationRate = 0.30;
	const double sickRate = 0.20;
	double hours;
	int widgets, totalWidgets;
	cout << "There is only one manager. Enter the number of hours worked: ";
	cin >> hours;
	cout << "\nNumber of widgets sold by the temp worker: ";
	cin >> widgets;
	totalWidgets = widgets;
	cout << "\nNumber of widgets sold by the FT worker: ";
	cin >> widgets;
	totalWidgets += widgets;
	double basePay = wage * hours;
	double widgetPay = totalWidgets * widgetBonus;
	double totalPay = widgetPay + basePay;
	double vacationDays = hours / 40 * vacationRate;
	double sickDays = hours / 40 * sickRate;
	cout << endl << endl << setw(50) << "Salary data for the ASU Widget Shop";
	cout << endl << setw(50) << "by " << userName << endl << endl;
	cout << setw(50) << "hours\tbase\twidgets\ttotal\tvac.\tsick";
	cout << endl << setw(43) << "average for\tworked\tpay\tsold\tpay\tdays\tdays";
	cout << endl << fixed << setprecision(2) << setw(50) << "manager\t" << hours << "\t"
		<< basePay << "\t" << totalWidgets << "\t" << totalPay << "\t" << vacationDays
		<< "\t" << sickDays;
void tempWorker(string userName)
	const double wage = 8.55;
	const double widgetBonus = 0.05;
	const double vacationRate = 0.00;
	const double sickRate = 0.00;
	double hours = 0.00;
	int numEmployees;
	int totalWidgets = 0;
	cout << "How many temps are there? (1-4) ";
	cin >> numEmployees;
	getInfo(numEmployees, hours, totalWidgets);
	double basePay = wage * hours / numEmployees; // Calculates the average base pay
	int widgetsSold = totalWidgets / numEmployees; // Calculates the average number of widgets sold
	double widgetPay = widgetsSold * widgetBonus; // Calculates the bonus pay from widget sales
	double totalPay = widgetPay + basePay; // Calculates the total pay including widget bonus
	double vacationDays = hours / 40 * vacationRate; // Calculates vacation days
	double sickDays = hours / 40 * sickRate; // Calculates sick days
	cout << endl << endl << setw(50) << "Salary data for the ASU Widget Shop";
	cout << endl << setw(50) << "by " << userName << endl << endl;
	cout << setw(50) << "hours\tbase\twidgets\ttotal\tvac.\tsick";
	cout << endl << setw(43) << "average for\tworked\tpay\tsold\tpay\tdays\tdays";
	cout << endl << fixed << setprecision(2) << setw(50) << "manager\t" << hours << "\t"
		<< basePay << "\t" << totalWidgets << "\t" << totalPay << "\t" << vacationDays
		<< "\t" << sickDays;

void ftWorker(string userName)
	const double wage = 8.55;
	const double widgetBonus = 0.05;
	const double vacationRate = 0.25;
	const double sickRate = 0.20;
		double hours = 0.00;
	int numEmployees;
	int totalWidgets = 0;
	cout << "How many FT employees? (1-4) ";
	cin >> numEmployees;
	getInfo(numEmployees, hours, totalWidgets);
	double basePay = wage * hours / numEmployees; // Calculates the average base pay
	int widgetsSold = totalWidgets / numEmployees; // Calculates the average number of widgets sold
	double widgetPay = widgetsSold * widgetBonus; // Calculates the bonus pay from widget sales
	double totalPay = widgetPay + basePay; // Calculates the total pay including widget bonus
	double vacationDays = hours / 40 * vacationRate; // Calculates vacation days
	double sickDays = hours / 40 * sickRate; // Calculates sick days
	cout << endl << endl << setw(50) << "Salary data for the ASU Widget Shop";
	cout << endl << setw(50) << "by " << userName << endl << endl;
	cout << setw(50) << "hours\tbase\twidgets\ttotal\tvac.\tsick";
	cout << endl << setw(43) << "average for\tworked\tpay\tsold\tpay\tdays\tdays";
	cout << endl << fixed << setprecision(2) << setw(50) << "manager\t" << hours << "\t"
		<< basePay << "\t" << totalWidgets << "\t" << totalPay << "\t" << vacationDays
		<< "\t" << sickDays;
char restartApp()
	char choice;
	cout << "Do you want to begin again? Y/N ";
	cin >> choice;
	while(choice != 'y' && choice != 'Y' && choice != 'n' && choice != 'N')
		cout << "Invalid. Enter only Y or N. Begin again? Y/N ";
		cin >> choice;
	return choice;

any ideas? I've done a bit of looking around, but all of the explanations for these types of errors didn't seem to relate to my code...

Ok, so I noticed that my prototype function was titled validateWidgets and my definition was titled validateWidget, so I changed that and got rid of one of the errors, but I'm still getting the same error for the getInfo function...

On line 86, the parameter list doesn't match the parameter list of the prototype.

commented: Wow, I thought I checked that too, thanks :) +0
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