C:\Documents and Settings\Andy M. Moore\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\caller\trunk\OfflineRegistry\OfflineRegistry.cs(203,15): warning CS1591: Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'SecondSec.SERC.Common.ContainerObjectModel.RegKeyContainer'

What does this mean?

C:\Documents and Settings\Andy M. Moore\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\caller\trunk\OfflineRegistry\OfflineRegistry.cs(203,15): warning CS1591: Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'SecondSec.SERC.Common.ContainerObjectModel.RegKeyContainer'

What does this mean?

This happens when you set your IDE to generate an XML file for comments, you do this in project properties.

If you want to still generate XML comments from the IDE, but you want to avoid the warnings try supressing specific warnings for 1591,1592,1573,1571,1570,1572.

Do that in the Project properties - Cofiguration Properties - Build - Supress Specific Warnings.


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